University of Virginia Library


President Darden stated that for the last eight years the University had used parchment
diplomas. Graduates, particularly in the professional departments, desire genuine sheepskin. Mr.
Black inquired whether the State would purchase sheepskin, or whether we were compelled to buy the
parchment diplomas. President Darden proposed that a graduation fee be established to pay for a
sheepskin diploma and also to cover the cost of cap and gown at graduation. He stated that a number
of institutions assess such a fee. It was the sense of the Board that if the State would agree,
the University should purchase sheepskins and give them to the students. Whereupon a resolution was
adopted requesting the President to investigate the matter and report to the Board at its next meeting,
determining: (1) whether or not the State would pay for sheepskins; (2) if it would not, what
fee should be established; and (3) should a graduation fee be desirable, what institutions were now
assessing such a fee and the amount so charged.