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CCLXXXVIII. Propositions for Managing the Tobacco Contract March (?), 1623

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CCLXXXVIII. Propositions for Managing the Tobacco Contract[15]
March (?), 1623

Papers of Lord Sackville, No. 6190
Document at Knole Park, Kent

Propositions considerable for the equall managinge of the Contract with
his Majestie concerninge the sole importacion of Tobacco graunted to the
twoe Companies of Virginia and the Sumer Islands.


  • First that the agentes whoe undertake the mannageinge of this busines
    and are to be payd for their labour, doe give good securitye to free the
    companyes and the goodes of every particuler adventurer from that
    Covenant with his Majestie for bringinge in of 80,000 weight of Varinus
    tobaccoe in three yeares inasmuch as not the companyes but themselves
    that underwright the Spanish stocke shall have the benefit thereof.

  • 2.

  • What satisfaction they will give to the Virginia Planters or to our
    Sumer Islandes Tenantes for their Tobaccoe, which they shall send or
    bringe hither for price and payment.

  • 3.

  • What ordinary rate they will impose upon the Sumer Islandes Tobaccoe
    for defrayinge the 25 C. li. salery and what rate in such accidentall cases


    as may fall out namely if noe Spanish tobacco (or but little) shall be brought
    in, or that the greatest part of Virginia shall be directed to other partes,
    or in case the Sumer Islandes tobacco when it cometh shall be all sould
    together, or the kinge's parte only, by the candle without anie charge or
    labour of theirs.

  • 4.

  • What order they will take to free the Adventurers of disbursments for
    custome fraight and publique charges before they take our goodes unto
    their possession.

  • 5.

  • What securitie they will give to performe the promisses and to give a
    just accompt of the sales and of the proceed thereof to his Majestie and to
    thadventurers, and when to make payment.

  • 6.

  • For that the contracte is but conditionally agreed upon in Courte to
    contynue if the proclamacion shall be published by Midsomer next, whoe
    shall (when the contracte fayleth) defray the great Rent of 160 l. per
    annum for the directors great house intended to be taken and the greate
    saleryes, howe and in what proporcion and howe shall his Majestie then
    have his due and every man his owne proper goodes delivered backe

  • 7.

  • To explayne themselves whether out of 25 C. l. salery (whereof they
    say his Majestie is to pay a third parte) they meane to defray all charges
    or whether they intend to put to accompt over and above the Charges of
    Porters, Carrmen, Coopers, Wharfage Waiters, Searchers, suites of lawe,
    shrinckinge in weight, desperate debtes and such like.

  • 8.

  • As the greate quantitie and meane condicion of the Virginia and Sumer
    Islandes tobacco is not fittinge for the vent and expence of this kingdome,
    but for the most at easy rates must be exported, soe the greate enhance-
    ment of price by thirds taken out and excessive charges put upon will
    make it altogether unpossible to be exported and therefore to be con-
    sidred howe to cleare this difficulty soe that profitt may come to thadven-
    turers and Planters.

  • 9.

  • The sallery men for the most parte to be excepted against some of them
    for want of skill, some want of estate, some of them noe way interessed,
    and other contynually maynteyninge and raysinge quarrells and bitter


    contencions against sundry good Adventurers whose goodes must come to
    their handes and possession to be disposed, Against which sundry of the
    Adventurers doe protest asto men unfitt to mannage theis affayres.

[Indorsed:] The busines of Tobacco with the Virginia and Somer Ilandes


From the text printed in the American Historical Review, XXVII, pp. 757–759.