University of Virginia Library




[Lorenzo dwelt at Heighington]

Lorenzo dwelt at Heighington,
(Hys cote was made of Dimity,)
Least-ways yf not exactly there,
Yet yn yts close proximity.
Hee called on mee—hee stayed to tee—
Yet not a word he ut-tered,
Untyl I sayd, “D'ye lyke your bread
Dry?” and hee answered “But-tered.”
Noodle dumb
Has a noodle-head,
I hate such noodles, I do.


[“Here I bee, and here I byde]

“Here I bee, and here I byde,
Till such tyme as yt betyde
That a Ladye of thys place,


Lyke to mee yn name and face,
(Though my name bee never known,
My initials shall bee shown,)
Shall be fotograffed aright—
Hedde and Feet bee both yn sight—
Then my face shall disappear,
Nor agayn affrite you heer.”

[“Yn the Auckland Castell cellar]

“Yn the Auckland Castell cellar,
Long, long ago,
I was shut—a brisk young feller—
Woe, woe, ah woe!
To take her at full-lengthe
I never hadde the strengthe
Tempore (and soe I tell her)
“She was hard—oh, she was cruel—
Long, long ago,
Starved mee here—not even gruel—
No, believe mee, no!—
Frae Scotland could I flee,
I'd gie my last bawbee,—
Arrah, bhoys, fair play's a jhewel,
Lave me, darlints, goe!”