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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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Translations are by the author of this article unless other-
wise identified.

Antti Aarne, Verzeichnis der Märchentypen, Folklore Fel-
lows Communications 3 (Helsinki, 1910); The Types of the
trans. and enlarged by Stith Thompson, 2nd revi-
sion, Folklore Fellows Communications 75 (Helsinki, 1961).
Sven Armens, Archetypes of the Family in Literature
(Seattle, 1966). Erich Auerbach, “Figura,” Archivum
XXII (1938); trans. Ralph Manheim in Scenes
from the Drama of European Literature
(New York, 1959).

Gaston Bachelard, La Psychanalyse du feu (Paris, 1938);
idem, L'Eau et les rêves: essai sur l'imagination de la matière
(Paris, 1942); idem, l'Air et les songes: essai sur l'imagination
du mouvement
(Paris, 1943); idem, La Terre et les rêveries
de la volonté: essai sur l'imagination des forces
(Paris, 1948);
idem, La Terre et les rêveries du repos (Paris, 1948). Fernand
Baldensperger and W. P. Friederich, Bibliography of Com-
parative Literature
(Chapel Hill, 1950). Manfred Beller,
“Von der Stoffgeschichte zur Thematologie,” Arcadia, 5, 1
(1970). Maud Bodkin, Archetypal Patterns in Poetry: Psy-
chological Studies of Imagination
(London, 1934). Johannes
Bolte and Georg Polívka, eds., Anmerkungen zu den Kinder-
und Hausmärchen den brüder Grimm,
5 vols. (Leipzig,

Arthur Christensen, Motif et thème: plan d'un dictionnaire
des motifs, des contes populaires, des légendes et des fables,

Folklore Fellows Communications 59 (Helsinki, 1925).
Wolfgang Clemen, Shakespeares Bilder, ihre Entwicklung
und ihren Funktionen im dramatischen Werk
(Bonn, 1936);
idem, The Development of Shakespeare's Imagery (London,
1951). Benedetto Croce, Ariosto, Shakespeare e Corneille
(Bari, 1920), p. 105. E. R. Curtius, Europäische Literatur
und lateinisches Mittelalter
(Bern, 1948), trans. W. R. Trask
as European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages (New
York, 1953); idem, Kritische Essays zur europäischer Liter-
(Bern, 1950), p. 219.

Wilhelm Dilthey, Die Einbildungskraft des Dichters:
Bausteine für eine Poetik
(1887), in Gesammelte Schriften,
VI (Stuttgart, 1958), 216; idem, Das Erlebnis und die
Dichtung: Lessing, Goethe, Novalis, Hölderlin
1906). Eugene Dorfman, The Narreme in the Medieval Ro-
mance Epic: An Introduction to Narrative Structures

(Toronto, 1970). Alan Dundes, ed., The Study of Folklore
(New York, 1965), p. 208.

J. P. Eckermann, Gespräche mit Goethe in den letzten
Jahren seines Lebens,
Vols. I, II (Leipzig, 1836), Vol III
(Magdeburg, 1844), trans. John Oxenford as Conversations
with Goethe
(London, 1930), pp. 81, 85, 350. Mircea Eliade,
Images et symboles: essais sur le symbolisme magico-
(Paris, 1952), trans. Philip Mairet as Images and
Symbols: Studies in Religious Symbolism
(New York, 1961),
p. 11.

E. H. Falk, Types of Thematic Structure: The Nature and
Function of Motifs in Gide, Camus, and Sartre
1967). Elisabeth Frenzel, Stoffe der Weltliteratur: ein
Lexikon dichtungsgeschichtlicher Längschnitte
1962; revised ed. 1963); idem, Stoff- und Motivgeschichte
(Berlin, 1966). Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism: Four
(Princeton, 1957), pp. 366, 77.

Arturo Graf, Il Diavolo (Milan, 1889); idem, Miti, leggende
e superstizioni del medio evo,
2 vols. (Turin, 1892-93).

A. T. Hatto, ed., Eos: an Enquiry into the Theme of Lovers'
Meetings and Partings at Dawn in Poetry
(London, 1965).
A. I. Herzen, Byloe i dumy, first published 1876; first com-
plete edition, 5 vols. (Berlin, 1921); My Past and Thoughts,
trans. Constance Garnett and revised by Humphrey Higgens
(New York, 1968), I, xliv. Victor Hugo, William Shakespeare
(Paris, 1964), p. 299.

C. G. Jung, ed., Man and His Symbols (New York, 1964),
pp. 53, 67; Wandlungen und Symbolen der Libido: Beiträge
zur Entwicklungs geschichte des Denkens
(Leipzig, 1912);
trans. as Modern Man in Search of a Soul by W. S. Dell
and C. F. Baynes (New York, 1934).

Clyde Kluckhohn, “Recurrent Themes in Myth and
Mythmaking,” in Myth and Mythmaking, ed. H. A. Murray
(New York, 1960). G. W. Knight, The Wheel of Fire: Essays
in Interpretation of Shakespeare's Sombre Tragedies


1937). A. H. Krappe, The Science of Folklore (London, 1930),
p. 1.

S. N. Lawall, Critics of Consciousness: The Existential
Structures of Literature
(Cambridge, Mass., 1968). G[ershon]
Legman, Rationale of the Dirty Joke: An Analysis of Sexual
(New York, 1968). Claude Lévi-Strauss, Mytholog-
iques: Le Cru et le cuit
(Paris, 1964); idem, “The Structural
Study of Myth,” Journal of American Folklore, 68 (1955).
Harry Levin, “Thematics and Criticism,” in The Disciplines
of Criticism: Essays in Literary Theory, Interpretation, and
History Honoring René Wellek on the Occasion of his Sixty-
fifth Birthday,
eds. Peter Demetz, Thomas Greene, and
Lowry Nelson Jr. (New Haven, 1968). A. B. Lord, The Singer
of Tales,
Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature 24
(Cambridge, 1964). A. O. Lovejoy, Essays in the History of
(Baltimore, 1948); idem, The Great Chain of Being:
A Study of the History of an Idea
(Cambridge, Mass., 1936).

Thomas Mann, “Lebensabriss,” Die Neue Rundschau, 41
(1930); trans. H. T. Lowe-Porter as A Sketch of My Life
(Paris, 1930), pp. 30, 31.

Milman Parry, L'Epithète traditionelle dans Homère: essai
sur un problème de style homérique
(Paris, 1928). Georges
Polti, Les Trente-six Situations dramatiques, 2nd ed. (Paris,
1912), trans. as The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations (Ridge-
wood, N.J., 1917). Georges Poulet, Études sur le temps
(Edinburgh, 1949), trans. Elliott Coleman as Studies
in Human Time
(Baltimore, 1956); idem, La Distance
(Paris, 1952), trans. Elliott Coleman as The Inte-
rior Distance
(Baltimore, 1959); idem, Les Métamorphoses
du cercle
(Paris, 1961), trans. Carley Dawson and Elliott
Coleman in collaboration with the author as Metamorphoses
of the Circle
(Baltimore, 1967). Mario Praz, La Carne, la
morte e il diavolo nella letteratura romantica
(Milan, 1930),
trans. Angus Davidson as The Romantic Agony (London,
1933). Vladimir Propp, Morfologia skazki (Leningrad, 1938);
Morphology of the Folktale, Publications of the American
Folklore Society, Bibliographical and Special Series 9, trans.
Laurence Scott and revised by L. A. Wagner (Austin, 1968).

F. R. Somerset, Baron Raglan, The Hero: A Study in
Tradition, Myth, and Drama
(London, 1936). Otto Rank, Der
Doppelgänger: ein psychoanalytische Studie
(Leipzig, 1925);
idem, Der Inzest-Motiv in Dichtung und Sage: Grundzüge
einer Psychologie des dichterischen Schaffens
(Leipzig, 1912;
1926). W. H. Roscher, Ausführliches Lexikon der griechischen
und römischen mythologies,
6 vols. (Leipzig, 1884-1937).
D. P. Rotunda, Motif-Index of the Italian Novella in Prose,
Indiana University Publications, Folklore Series 2 (Bloom-
ington, 1942). John Ruskin, Modern Painters (1843-1860),
in The Complete Works of John Ruskin, eds. E. T. Cook
and Alexander Wedderburn, 39 vols. (London, 1903-12), VII,
217; III, 170.

Wilhelm Scherer, Poetik, ed. R. M. Meyer (Berlin, 1888),
pp. 212, 213. Étienne Souriau, Les Deux Cent Mille Situa-
tions dramatiques
(Paris, 1950). Hans Sperber and Leo
Spitzer, Motiv und Wort: Studien zur Literatur- und Sprach-
(Leipzig, 1918). Caroline Spurgeon, Leading
Motives in the Imagery of Shakespeare's Tragedies
1930); idem, Shakespeare's Imagery and What It Tells Us
(London, 1935). Jean Starobinski, L'Oeil vivant: essai (Paris,
1961); idem, Jean-Jacques Rousseau: la transparence et
(Paris, 1957); idem, Portrait de l'artiste en saltim-
(Geneva, 1970).

Stith Thompson, The Folktale (New York, 1946); Motif-
Index of Folk-Literature: a Classification of Narrative Ele-
ments in Folk-tales, Ballads, Myths, Fables, Mediaeval Ro-
mances, Exempla, Fabliaux, Jest-books, and Local Legends,

6 vols., Indiana University Studies, Folklore series 108-10,
111, 112 (Bloomington, 1932-36); Folklore Fellows Com-
munications, 106-09 (Helsinki, 1932-36); revised and en-
larged edition, 6 vols. (Bloomington, 1955-58), I, 20, 21.
Boris Tomashevsky, “Thematics,” in Russian Formalist
Criticism: Four Essays,
trans. and ed. L. T. Lemon and
M. J. Reis (Lincoln, 1965); idem, Teoriya literatury (Moscow
and Leningrad, 1928). Raymond Trousson, Le Thème de
Prométhée dans la littérature européenne,
2 vols. (Geneva,
1964); idem, Un Problème de littérature comparée: les études
de thèmes: essai de méthodologie
(Paris, 1965).

V. N. Veselovsky, “Poetika sujetov,” in Istoricheskaya
ed. V. M. Zhirmunsky (Leningrad, 1940), pp. 494,

Leo Weinstein, The Metamorphoses of Don Juan (Stan-
ford, 1959). René Wellek and Austin Warren, Theory of
(New York, 1949), p. 272.


[See also Allegory; Ambiguity; Analogy; Criticism, Literary;
Harmony or Rapture in Music; Iconography; Literature and
Its Cognates; Motif in Literature: The Faust Theme; Myth;
Poetry and Poetics;
Style in Literature; Symbol and Sym-
bolism in Literature.