University of Virginia Library


[Let Us my Dear my life be Friends]

Let Us my Dear my life be Friends
Forget all fears and troubles past
Our Pleasure on this Hour depends,
And hence for ever may it last.
Stil to improve each opening Day
Be all our future thought imploy'd
And let our Faithful Tombstone say
That we liv'd, & lov'd, and Joy'd.
Nor more e'er let our Tombstone say
Then that we Liv'd, and lov'd, & Joy'd.
Since all indeed was done by Fate
We vainly of the Events complain
Our Sorrows why Shou'd we relate
If Mem'ory but renews the Pain?


Those ills that were before too great
We stil augment whilst we complain
Our Sorrows why shou'd we relate
If Memory but renews the Pain.
Mankind whose various Action strives
Each others blessing to destroy
Wou'd smile malicious if our Lives
Knew any Interval of Joy.