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Enter ERGASILUS at a distance.
O Jove supreme! how has thy providence
Preserv'd me! how hast thou increas'd my means,
And thrown most ample plenty in my way!
What store of honours and emolument,
Celebrity, sport, pastime, holidays,
With ev'ry choice provision for good cheer,
Potations deep, and feastings in abundance,
Till the gorg'd appetite shall cry, Enough!—
Tis fix'd, in future I will cringe and crouch
To no man, I: for now I am possess'd
Of means to help a friend, or hurt an enemy.
O this delightful day has heap'd upon me
Delights the most delightful:—I am master
Of an inheritance without incumbrance.—


Now will I shape my course to Hegio here,
And bring him as much happiness, as himself
Could wish for from the Gods, and even more.
Well—I will throw my cloak then o'er my shoulder,
Like slaves in comedies, for expedition,


That I may be the first to tell it him:
And for my tidings I have hopes to get
Good eating with him to eternity.