[XIIII. Naught is on earth more sacred or deuine]
Naught is on earth more sacred or deuine
Naught is on earth more sacred or deuine, Naught is on
earth more sacred or deuine, more sacred or deuine, that gods and men
doe equally adore, that gods and men doe equally adore, then this same
vertue, then this same vertue, that doth right define, for the heauens théselues
whence mortall men implore, implore, right in their wrongs, are
ruld by righteous lore, Of highest Iove, who doth true Iustice deale,
true Iustice deale, to his inferior gods, and euermore, therewith containes
his heauenly comon weale, comon weale, The skill whereof to Princes
harts hee doth reueale, to Princes harts hee doth reueale, to Princes
harts hee doth reueale.