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[My love, she gave to me a belt, a belt of texture fine]

My love, she gave to me a belt, a belt of texture fine,
Of snowy hue, emboss'd with blue, and scarlet porcupine;
This tender braid sustain'd the blade, I drew against the foe,
And ever prest upon my breast, to mark its ardent glow.
And if with art I act my part, and bravely fighting stand,
I, in the din, a trophy win, that gains Nemoosha's hand.
My love, she is a handsome girl, she has a sparkling eye,
And a head of flowing raven hair, and a forehead arched and high,
Her teeth are white as cowry shells, brought from the distant sea,
And she is tall, and graceful all, and fair as fair can be.
And if with art I act my part, and bravely wooing stand,
And with address my suit I press, I gain Nemoosha's hand.


Oh, I will search the silver brooks for skin of blackest dye,
And scale the highest mountain-tops, a warrior's gift to spy;
I'll place them where my love shall see, and know my present true,
Perhaps when she admires the gift, she'll love the giver too.
And if with art I act my part, and bravely wooing stand,
I'll gain my love's unsullied heart, and then I'll gain her hand.