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Occasional verse, moral and sacred

Published for the instruction and amusement of the Candidly Serious and Religious [by Edward Perronet]

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AN ACROSTIC On Mr. J--- C---

AN ACROSTIC On Mr. J--- C---

IDIOT of grace, to make worse idiots wise,
Open their ears, and couch their hood-wink'd eyes,
He comes, a stammerer of the gospel song,
Nor human learning, nor the learned's tongue;
Chosen and call'd, if call or choice there be,
A man of wonders, and more wond'rous he.
Rare work of Heav'n—ye sots his mission hear,
Like that dumb brute's, that twing'd a prophet's ear.
To teach us wisdom, Wisdom sends her fools,
Offers her hand, to lead us to her schools,
Nor ever quits her charge, till they first quit her rules.