University of Virginia Library



Arise! arise, to thee 'tis given
To view the wonders of the Skies:
The dark mysterious ways of Heaven
Are open to thine eyes:
Thrice-favor'd Mortal, rise!
By mystic signs th' eternal God
To thee his fix'd intents displays:
Behold the woes his chast'ning rod
Prepares for future days.”
Thus on the lov'd disciple's ears
Sweet as the music of the spheres
Inspiring sounds from lips celestial fell:
Heaven's brazen doors wide open flew:
He turned those bright abodes to view
Where Saints and Angels dwell.
With awe his eyes the Prophet rais'd
To where Almighty glory blaz'd,
Where cloth'd in never-dying lustre shone
The pure ethereal fire, the sapphire-burning throne!
Cetera desunt.