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CDLXII. Commissioners for Virginia. Orders Set Down at a Meeting

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CDLXII. Commissioners for Virginia. Orders Set Down at a

July 16, 1624

C. O. 1, Vol. III, no. 17, I
Document in Public Record Office, London
List of Records No. 702

The Kingℯ Commission concerning Virginia dated 15th July 22 Jac̃. Rℯ.

At the house of Sr Thomas Smith was publikely read.

The Commission9s p̢sent were. 
The Lo: President of the Councell  Mr Wrote 
Mr Treseror  Sr Samuell Argall 
Sr Tho: Smith  Mr Leate 
Mr Solicitor  Mr Pory 
Sr Nathaniell Rich  Mr Dichfeild 
Sr John Wolstenholme  Mr Bond 
Mr Alderman Johnson  Mr Stiles 
Mr Alderman Cambell  Mr Bell 
Mr Alderman ffreeman  Mr Cartiorite & others 
Mr Gibbs 


The Commission9s then appointed ther Clerke to attend the Comission;
& agreed that Henry ffotherbye who is nowe secretary to the Barmodae
Company should be the Clerke to this Com̄ission.

Nexte they named Thomas Newton to be ther Bedle who was ther officer
before in that place.

The place of meeting to be at Sr Thomas Smiths house.

The Days of meeting to be on eu9ie Thursday in the afternoon, at two of
the Clocke.

That all the Com̄ission9s who are not of the quorū shall be a standing
Committee, to p̢pare businesses for the Com̄ission9s against that day,
they or any 6 of them to meet as often as they thinke fitt at the place

Order is now given that all the Charters, Bookℯ and other writingℯ men-
coned in the Com̄ission be forthwth brought to this place, and lefte there
in the Custodie of the Clerke for the Commission9s & Committee to vse
at ther pleasure.

The Seales of the Company to be likewise delivered in, forthwth to the
handℯ of the Clerke.

The Lo: p̢sident was pleased to vndertake that soe many of the Charters
&c. as are delivered into the Councell Chamber shalbe sent to the Com-
mission9s by such Messenger as they shall send for them.

It is ordered ffurther.

That the Committees against the nexte Daye of meeting for the Com̄is-
sion9s, take into ther Considerac̃on

The p̢sent state of that plantac̃on; and make reporte thereof on Thursday

And that the com̄ittee shall to that purpose haue power to send for all
such p̱sons as cann giue informac̃on therein.

That the Committee doe allsoe take into their considerac̃ons thes gen9all
& essentiall thingℯ, for the future,



  • What supplie course is fittest to settle the govermt ther.

  • 2

  • What supplie is necessary, for the subsistaunce of the p̱sons nowe in-
    habiting in that Colony or wch shalbe sent theather.

  • 3

  • What is fitt to be done for the Defence of the Inhabitantℯ against the
    Sauag & others, that they may the better intend ther plantation wth

What Com̄odities cann be raised ther for the p̢sent & what for the ffuture.

My Lo: President Deliu9ed nowe into the handℯ of the Clerke to the
Com̄ission 7 piecℯ: ffor instruction to the Com̄ittees: and ffor remembrances
conducing to thos thingℯ which are Directed by the Commission

That there be some publicac̃on made in forme hertofore vsed at the
exchange giving notice of his Maties Com̄ission. and of his gracious inten-
tion therby; and to noetefie to all such as haue any purpose to goe or send
to Virginia that they repaire to the Comission9s & thence receaue ther
Directions as they did before from the companie vpon all occasions.

It is next ordered that the Comittees shall take into ther considera[c̃on]
Howe the plantac̃on nowe standℯ and howe it did stand at the bringing of
the quo warrant & what transactions and grauntℯ haue bene made since
that time And by whom.

The Commissioners did conceaue that ther is an absolute graunte neces-
sitye for the p̢sent maynteyning of the Plantation by ther Tobacco, as
the only p̢sent meanes for ther Subsistance but as that where on they will
not rest, And that for that purpose ther is allsoe a necessitie of p̢sent re-
streining the bringing in of all other Tobacco, of fforreyne Dominions lest
ther be soe great a glutt therof that it will be afterwardℯ too late to re-
cover that losse: wherby the plantac̃on will be put backe for 2 or 3 yeares
if it be not p̢uented.

And they haue desired my Lo: President, to p̢sent forthwth ther humble
desires to his Matie herein,

And it is ffurther ordered that noe shipp shall goe from hence to Virginia
(wherof 2 or 3 are already in p̢parac̃on) vntill a resolution be taken ffor
settling the governmt there, lest the Report of the Dissolution of the
form9 gou9nmte might breed a confusion ther, before the settling of a


newe And because thes businesses are weightie and require speed the
Comittees are ordered to meete againe to morrow in the afternoone and
soe from Day to day betwene this and Thursday nexte to p̢pare thos
thingℯ referred vnto them as before, for the resoluc̃on of the Commission9s;
And to make such ffurther p̳positions for the good of the plantac̃on as they
cann thinke of in the meane time.

[Indorsed:] Orders sett downe at a meeting of the Comissioners for