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5. Torts, Bailments, and Carriers.

Professor Graves.

The Law of Torts (or Non-Contract Law) is first taken up, and after
a full discussion of the General Principles underlying the subject, the


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several classes of Torts are examined separately. Especial attention is
given to Personal Injuries by Negligence, Employers' Liability Acts (State
and Federal), and statutes concerning Death by Wrongful Act, Neglect,
or Default. In connection with the text-book, a volume of cases is used,
which serve to illustrate and impress the abstract principles by concrete

On the completion of Torts, the subject of bailments is entered upon,
and after an outline of the doctrines concerning the several kinds of
Bailees (including Innkeepers), the Law of Carriers (of goods and passengers)
is begun, and is considered with the fulness and thoroughness
due to this important topic. The recent legislation of Congress as to
carriers engaged in Inter-State Commerce is carefully considered.— From
January 3 to end of the session—Three times a week.

Text-Books.—Cooley on Torts (Lewis's Students' Ed., 1907); Chase's Cases on
Torts (ad ed.); Hutchinson on Carriers (2d ed.); The Professor's Notes.