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Occasional Poems

Translations, Fables, Tales, &c. By William Somervile

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To Phillis.
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To Phillis.


Tho' close immur'd, poor Captive Maid!
Young Danae play'd a Wanton's part;
The Gold that in her Lap was laid,
Soon found a Passage to her Heart.


Ambitious Semele beguil'd
By Juno's unrelenting Hate,
Amid the bright Destruction smil'd,
Enjoy'd her God, and dy'd in state.



The Swan on Leda's whiter Breast,
Artful Deceiver! nestling lay,
With Joy she clasp'd her downy Guest,
Fond of a Bird so soft, and gay.


What Boon can faithful Merit share,
Where Int'rest reigns, or Pride, or Show?
'Tis the rich Banker wins the Fair,
The Garter'd Knight, or Feather'd Beau.


No more my panting Heart shall beat,
Nor Phillis claim one parting Groan;
Her Tears, her Vows, are all a Cheat,
For Woman loves herself alone.