University of Virginia Library

[D]ere lord, quhat sall we say
of awfull doume apon þe day,
quhen þat we sall gif strat reknyng
befor þe auchtfull Iug & king
of all þat we haf sad or wrocht;
and als of oure maste priwe thocht,
& wat þat we na gud haf done?


for-þi full sare vs bird to mone
to þis paule, gif we gud tent tak,
at gud ensampill can ws mak,
hou we suld wirk till we are here,
þat we but dred mycht þane apere.
bot, allace! how worthy ar we,
one þat day, to condampnyt be,
quhen we, þat in a man se may
all gud but want, suthly to say,
we set neuir oure cure na hart
of sic gud to gat ony part.
& yheit a flesclyk man was he,
& lyk till ws in sic degre,
and lyf & sawle lyk ws he had,
& in þis warld [his] duelling mad;
ȝeit þane of thewis fare to se,
condicione and honeste,
þe vertu of will þare to mare,
he transcendit all men þat þare,
or yheit þat befor hym had bene,
as þai suld say þat had hym sene.
and all his dedis mare & les
war witnes þat þis suthfas[t] wes.
for-þi till hyme in hewyn is mad
sic Reward as he seruit had,
till he in þis erth duelland was,
in presone of euire brukill fleschias.
þarfor I pray hyme þat I may
of þis warld sa depart ay way,
þat sawle ma fra þe body twyne
bot schame, or deit, or dedly syne.