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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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The Forlorne Sone, as it is writtin in the xv. Chapter of Luk.
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The Forlorne Sone, as it is writtin in the xv. Chapter of Luk.

Sinners vnto my sang aduert,
Quhilk Christ into his Uangell kend,
And from ȝour sinfull lyfe conuert
Quhairwith ȝe do ȝour God offend,
For Christ in his sweit Parabill,
To saif vs is full plyabill,
Gif we repent and to him wend.
Ane certaine man of riche substance
Had Sonnes twa to him full deir,
And sone with schort delyuerance,
The ȝoungest spak on this maneir:
Father giue me my part of geir,
Quhilk me belangis les and mair,
I will na mair be thirlit heir.


The father did his gude deuyde,
Betuix them, bot the ȝoungest sone
Wald na mair with his father byde,
Bot tuke his part, and furth is gone:
In till ane strange and far countrie,
And leuand thair richt ryatouslie
He waistit all his geir anone.
Quhen all was gone, thair rais fra hand
Ane derth quhilk maid the vittell skant:
Baith far and neir throw all the land,
And he throw neid begouth to want:
Then to ane Citiȝenar he ȝeid,
Quhilk send him furth his swyne to feid,
For falt of fude he was full faut.
He wald haue eitin with the swyne,
His houngrie stomak to fulfill:
Bot thocht he suld for hounger tyne,
ȝit nane wald giue him leif thairtill,
Quhen he come till him self againe,
This him alone, he culd complaine,
In till his mynde with mourning still.
How mony seruandis for thair wage,
Hes fude into my fatheris hous.
And I for hounger die and rage,
Bot my father is gracious,
Thairfoir till him, I will me dres:
And schaw my sin and my distres,
And say with voyce full pitious.
O Father I haue bene to bauld,


Sinnand contrair the heuin and the,
And not worthie that men me hauld,
Na mair thy Sone in ony degre:
As ane of thy seruandis me mak,
With that he did his Iornay tak
Hame till his father haistelie.
And quhen he come bot ȝit afar,
His father had compassioun,
And ran him till or he was war,
And gaue him consolation,
And in his armes he did him fang
And euer he kissit him amang,
With freindly Salutation{.}
The sone said father of greit micht,
I knaw that I haue sinnit soir:
Contrair the heuin and thy sicht,
And I am worthie now no more
That ony me thy Sone suld call:
Bot his father full liberall,
Callit his seruandis him befoir:
And kyndely to them can he say,
Ȝe bring me furth the best clething,
And cleith my Sone courtly and gay:
And on his finger ȝe put ane Ring,
Ȝe set on schone vpon his feit,
The quhilk ar trym and wounder meit,
That he be honest in all thing.
And slay that Calf quhilk now is maid
Sa fat, and let vs mak gude cheir,


For this my Sone the quhilk now was deid,
Againe on lyfe is haill and feir,
My Sone was loist, and now is found,
And they within ane lytill stound
Began to myrrie be but weir.
The Eldest to the feild was gone,
And quhen that he hame cummand wes:
And hard the menstraly anone,
The dansing and the great blyithnes,
Ane of his seruandis he did call
And said to him quhat menis all
This glaidnes, and this merynes.
Then answerit he and said him till
Thy brother is cum hame againe,
Thairfoir his father hes gart kill
His weill fed Calf, and is full faine
That saif ressauit him hes be,
The Eldest wraith was and angrie,
And ȝeid not in throw greit disdaine:
And then come furth his father kynde,
And prayit him richt feruently,
Bot he answerit richt proude in mynde,
O father myne how lang haue I
Thy trew and faithfull seruand bene:
And neuer ȝit brak thy biddene,
Bot the obeyit faithfully.
Ȝit gaue thow nocht of thy riches,
Sa mekle as ane small Kyd to me,
That I micht mak sum mirrynes


And with my Lufaris blyith to be.
Bot now becaus is cum againe
Thy Sone quhilk waistit hes in vaine
Thy gudis into harlatrie.
That Calf quhilk fosterit was sa fair,
Thow hes gart kill at his plesour,
His father laid, my Sone and air,
Of all my riches and treasour.
Quhat euer I haue, all that is thyne,
And thow art euer with me and myne,
And all is haill into thy cure.
Thairfoir to vs it was full meit
For to reioyce, and blyith to be,
With all our hart and all our Spreit,
Thy brother saif and sound to se.
For he was loist, and now is win,
And he was deid from all his kin,
And now aliue againe is he.
Our God and father is full kynde,
To sinneris that ar penitent,
With all thair hart, and all thair mynde
Schawand warkis that thay repent,
And gif in Christis blude thay traist,
Then sall he neuer them detest.
Bot saif them that thay be not schent.