University of Virginia Library


The Twilight Witch comes with her stars
And strews them through the blue,
And breathes below the sunset bars
A breath of meadow-rue;
She trails her veil across the skies,
And mutters to the trees;


Then in the weeds with firefly eyes
She wakes the Mysteries.
The Twilight Witch, with elf and fay,
Is creeping down the Slumber-Way.
Sleep, my dearest, sleep.
The Twilight Witch, with crescent moon,
Stoops on the wooded hill;
She answers to the owlet's croon,
And to the whippoorwill;
She bends above the reedy pool
And wakes the drowsy frog,
And with the toadstool, dim and cool,
Rims gray the old dead log.
The Twilight Witch comes stealing down
To take you off to Slumber-Town—
Sleep, my dearest, sleep.
The Twilight Witch with windy tread
Has entered in the room;
She creeps around your trundle-bed,
And whispers in the gloom;
She says, “I brought my steed along,
My fairy steed of gleams,
To bear you like a breath of song
Into the Land of Dreams.
I am the Witch, who takes your hand
And leads you off to Faeryland,
The far-off Land of Sleep.”