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Mene suld wele kene þat sathane
ȝet finis nocht, na neuir fane,
al cristine men for to gref
sene þat first he grewit eve.
& þo þar-to he haf mycht
thru godis tholyne & gret slycht,
ȝet mon he falȝe of[t]-tyme til eschew
sum þat he wald rycht gladly grewe.
for cristine men, þat stedfastly
throuys in god & deuotly
sanis hym with þe taknyng
of þe corce, quhare-on god can hyng,
sal wele resist agayne sathan,
þo he do al þe Il he can.
befor þe croice he sa vreis
þat, quhen he It seis, þan he fleis.
he wil oft purches wikit men
to gere hyme sped & with wemen
thru wischraf & sorcery,
& ful oft-tyme thru flatry
of kerlyngis, þat in mony wyse
ȝung men betresis oft-syse;
for sic as þai, quhen þa þare lifis
[h]as lyvit lang, callit wis wifis,


bot þai sa men kangis al
in to gret elde fra þai fal.
ȝet suld gud wemen ware be
to rowne with þaim in priuete,
or ȝet corow for to hald
with sic wifis, fra þai be ald,
þat for les þane a schefe of brede
wil gyf þaim oft schamful rede,
& ger hyre treu quhat scho wil,
fra scho gud heryng gyf hir til.
& for ensampil I wil ta
hou it betyd theodera.
Quhen ȝeno wes emperour
& al þe empyre had in cure,
of alysander in þe towne
duelt a man of gud renone,
& had fuson of warldis thingis,
as be resone [of] his lykingis;
& with his nithbouris ȝet þane
wes gud haldine for god & man,
for he wes ȝarneful god to ples
& to men alsa to do es,
& had a wyf of nobil kyne
& of þe best þe ton with-in,
& þar-to wes of far fassone,
þe mast enplesand of þe towne,
& ȝung, & dred god nocht-þe-les,
& chast, perles of farnes,
þocht men seldine þai twa se
in a ȝung persone to be.
þe feynd þane at hir had inwy,
be-cause scho wes sa happy,
& thocht þat he wald put a smyt
in hyr gud nam, for to fyle It,
& fandyt hyre in mony wyse.


bot scho, þat was bath ware & wyse,
ay quhen scho had persawing
þat he socht hyr with sic thing,
þane wald scho rycht son
bath brest & foret croice but hon.
þane durst he nocht langare byd,
bot fle [wald] one fere þat tyd.
& he, þat saw þat he ne mocht
do for þe croice as he thocht,
he enflawmyt of þe self ton
a ȝung man of fare fassone
for til syne with theodera.
& til eschewe he trawalyt sa
þat he ne mycht rest nycht na day,
til he cane hyr wil assay.
& þo he wes ȝung & fare,
wele tacht, wise & debonare,
ȝet schupe he hyme þarfor to be
þe mare plesand in al degre:
as to karole wel & syng,
& to be costlyk in clething,
& to wine gud nam. to þat ende
he wald gladly his gud dispend.
& quhen he had a quhyle don sa,
he com to þis theod[e]ra
& mad his quyntans apon fare
with hyr, thinkand to cum nere.
& quhen he thocht þat he had
his acquyntance with hir wele mad,
he leit hyr wyt in sum party
his wil, þo it was couertly.
þane wald scho wmquhyle hir play
& til hym len a def ere ay.
bot he, þat fandit was fast,
thru gret slicht þe feynd can cast


folouyt hyr sa increly
þat he hyr leit wit vtrely,
þat othyr worthyt hym to sped
hyr wil to wyne, or but dred
of þe ded to thole payne.
þan sad scho hym schortly agayn:
“Man, had I wittine lang tym gane
þat þu sic fule purpos had tane,
þu suld haf wittine þan as nov
þat al þi trawale tynt had þou.
for-þi of þat thing spek nomare!
for playt na sal be þi ansuere.
certis, vnreulyt ware my wil
gyf for þe my-self I suld spil.”
& fra he hard hyr sa say,
he lacht his lef & passit away,
& one til his awne hame
he wynt, with syt & als with scham,
for gret sorou & schame had he
þat he suld sa refusit be.
thane duelt þare in þe reu
nere his Innys, I spek of nov,
ane ald wyf, mycht nocht for elde
hyr awne self gudly weld.
& til his In reparyt scho,
for of sorcery scho cuth do,
& as scho mycht did turne & chare.
& quhen scho þare-of wes ware
þat he lewit to play & syng,
bot drupyt & mad murnyng,
ay til espy hym scho ne fane
til scho fand hym al alane.
& þan scho sad [til] hyme in hy:
“I pray þe, sir, þu tel me quhy
þu art nov pensiwe & mad,


& wont wes to be blith & glad;
for þu is ȝung man, fare & wyse
& vertuyse at al dewise,
& in þis ton has rentis fare,
& til haf mare has perans of are.
na I wat nan durst tak on hand
in-to þis ton to do þe wrang.
my dere son, þane quhat alis þe?
þu lat me wit, quhat-euir It be;
for I ame of wyt and wil
spedful consel to gyf þe til.
& thocht I ald be, let þu nocht!
for in elde suld wit be socht.
I treu þu has þi luf set
quhare þi ȝarnyng þu ma nocht get;
& gyf it sa be, þan cuth I
helpe þe wele, þu treu treuly!”
“gud deme,” sad he, “þu can dot,
wenand I ware sic a ydiot,
þat þu suld wit my priuete,
gud or Il, quethyr it be,
þat helpe me noþir can ne may,
suppos I wald it to þe say sa.”
“ȝet,” quod scho, “be myn saule-heile!
consele kane I kene þe gud & leile,
& helpe þe for to sped þi thing,
gyf þi cause be of luffyng.”
& fra he herde þe karling mak
sa fare hicht, he can confort tak,
for eth is a man to til
to do it þat is his wil.
þane sad he: “wil þu priue be
& hele þe thing I sal tel þe?”
“ȝa,” sad scho, “sa god me sped!
þar-of haf þu na kine drede


þat ony creature mycht me
by to discouer þi priuete,
bot anerly in to þe stede
quhare I wit wele þe to remede.”
“deme, wit þu, sen It is sa,
þat I luf mast theodera,
& grant of hyre ma I nan purchas
my ȝarnynge to fulfil, alace!
& nocht ellis, bot I spede,
I ame bot ded, it is na drede.”
sad scho: “son, is þis þe maste
þat gerris þe þi ȝouthede wast,
& lef þi myrth & Iolyte?
I wend thing ellis aylyt þe
þat ware harde thing to wyne.
lat be, lefe, & of bale blyne,
& be als mery as þu ma;
for here I hicht to þe gud fay
þat scho sal richt son do þi wil,
gyf I ma sped to cum hir til.”
þane of his gud he hir gef parte,
& scho went on to pref hir arte,
& spyit best tyme þat scho
theodera mycht cume to;
& percase fand hyr alane,
& sic a proloug has furth tane:
“god be her-in my dochtir dere,
þat kepe þe ay hale & fere,
in althing ekand þi grace,
of welth & wele, in þis place!
her ame I cumyne þe to se
& with þi spek to conforte me;
for I treu, be my gud fay,
þat I sal wele fare al þe day


þat I mycht to þe spek my fil.”
“sit don,” sad scho, “say on þi wil!”
sad scho: “dochtir, god þe forȝelde,
& fra wikyt forton þe schelde,
þus mekly þat dedinȝeis þe
to spek hamely with sic as me!
for I fynd suthfastnes,
þat al men sais, is nocht les,
& oft I here þat in þis ton
Is na weman of sic renon
of al gudnes in al degre
þat in weman ma gestnit be,
as þu, þat is alane but pere,
of al farnes & coloure clere,
& fason fare & gud hawyng,
set þu of ȝeris be bot ȝyng;
na ogart na pryd is þe with-in,
þocht þu be of nobil kyne;
na heis [þu] þe for riches,
to lichtly othyr mare or lese
as þe pouir folk sais of þe,
þat þu art larg of cheryte.
& þus I sa nocht, be þe rude,
der dochtir, to get [of] þi gude,
bot anerly for suthfastnes.
ȝete is a think neuir-þe-les
þat, gyf I durst, I wald say.”
“tel one, deme,” quod scho, “I ȝou pray!”
þane mad þe kerlyng sum dangere,
wittand scho suld þe ȝarnare spere;
for wemen ar besy al
to wyt þe thing quhat-euir fal.
theodera þane cane hyr pray
þat scho wald tel hyr but delay,
quhat-euir it wes scho had in thocht,
& lef vnsad til hyr richt nocht,


for scho suld tak in nane Il
quhat-sa-euir scho sad hyr til.
þe karlyng sad: “on þat cunnande,
sen þe tyme is nov auenande,
I wil tel þe a thing quhare-in
þu wil sla þi saule for syne;
þat is, þat þu wil nocht remede
þe man þat for þe wil thole dede;
& quha-sa-euir man wil sla,
of skil is callit godis fa,
& als his saule tyne, þat god bocht,
gyf he mycht succure & wil nocht.
& ȝone ȝung man, þat luffis þe,
is now in poynt peryst to be,
& þu ma lichtly, gif þu wil,
sauf hyme & do þi-self na Il:
þat is, to grant hyme anerly
þat he ma anis priuely
play with þe in priue stede,
& sa ma þu sauf hym fra dede.
& þat but witting ma be don
in priue stede vndir sone,
& sa ma þu þe sauf fra hel
quhare man-slaare sal ay duel;
for he sal cum sa priuely
þat nan sal wit it bot þu & I.
& þe sonare þis be done,
þe cause sal be þe les to son.”
theodera til hyr can mele:
“deme, al be þu neuir sa lele
& al suth war þu me sais,
ȝet durst I do it [be] na wais.
suppos neuir man suld wit
I had don sic thing as It,
ȝet god suld wit it, I dut nocht,
þat clerly kennis dede & thocht,


& punyse me for my mysdede
thru mychtt[i]nes of his godede.”
þane sad þe trat with flatrand fare:
“wele war hyr sic birth bar,
& happy wes he þat gat þe
þat sa wisly has ansuert me!
bot ȝet, be-cause þu art ȝing,
þu can nocht deme of sic thing,
wenand þat god kennis al
þi dedis done or to fal,
for þu wanttis þe colorum
þat þu suld treu in þat parte sum.
for suth is þat god knawis wele
ded and thocht euir-ilke dele,
þat is to vndirstand, I say,
It at done is on þe day;
bot to þat thing has he na sycht
þat thocht or don is in þe nycht;
for he fleis ay myrknes,
& tais tent bot to clernes.
for-þi, as treuys þe kirk of rom,
men wat at þe day of dome
is to cum quhen god sal haf mycht
to deme al don in opyne sycht;
bot of þe nycht þe doin[g]e þan
is he nocht borne þat ocht tel can.
for [gyf] demeen of þe nycht suld be
as of day, clerkis, parde,
wald als wele of nycht as day
haf mad mencione, perfay.
þar-for, dochtir, haf na drede,
bot as I say do furth þis dede,
&, as oure lord bydis þe,
of þine eue cristine haf pyte!”
þan sais til hyr theodera:


“gyf, as þu sais me, It be sa
& þat þu spekis for na gyle
me wikitly for to be-wile,
or þat man for me dede be,
I sal do as þu thechis me.”
“quhat, wenys þu I wald þe wile,
gud douchtir? na, be þe ewangele,
na be þe corpus domine,
for ony gud men mycht gyf me!
for I think to get of þi gere
for þe gud lare I sal þe lere.
þar[for], forsuth, wal[d] I nocht
þu fand dissat in me ocht.”
þane sad til hyr theodera:
“gud dame, sen þu sais sa,
now son, quhen gane is þe lycht
& cummyne is þe myrk nycht,
bryng [hyme] to þis place but mare,
& sodanly I sal be þare!”
& of hyr gud scho gef þat alde.
& blyth hyre gat scho can halde,
& to þe ȝung man come sone
& tald hyme al hou scho had don.
& he þar-of wes glad & blyth,
& gaf hyr of his gud suyth.
& quhen þat cumyne wes þe nycht,
scho kepyt þe trist wele scho hicht,
& with hyr brocht þe man in hy,
quhare scho tristit priuely.
& þar theod[e]ra & he
war sammyne a quhile in priuete;
& quhen þai had þar wil done,
athyr held þare way sone.
theodera, þat had Il spede,
ȝed til hyr husband til bede,


þat hyr lufit atoure althing,
& stil lay til þe mornyng;
& þane wmthocht hyr þat scho
sa foule a syne consentit to
& fals wes, þe wyf sad, les & mare.
þane scho cane murne, gretand sare,
for þat scho treuyt god na mycht
wit of Il wes done on nycht,
& for scho hyr treutht brokine had
til hyme þat mykil of hyre mad.
þane dang scho hyr-self in þe face,
& raf hyr hare & sad: “alace!”
“alace,” scho sad, “for wikitly
my saule here now tynt haf I
& has distroyt thru my plicht
of my gret beute þe sicht!”
with þat hyr husband com & fand
hyr gretand [sa] & sar murnand,
& sad: “my far theodera,
quhat makis þe to far at sa?
quhat-euir it be, tel to me,
& it sal sone remedit be!
for þu art my welth & wele;
þu art my confort & my heile.
þarfor, as þu lufis me,
þu lef sic care & mery be!”
& ay þe mare teyndirly
he spak til hyr, mare cruely
scho mad sorou, because scho
til hym þat lufit suld mysdo.
ȝet stil scho held quhat scho thocht,
& of hyre wil tald richt nocht.
bot quhen tyme com of day,
scho passit furth til ane abbay,
as it ware til here a mes,


& spak þare with þe priores,
& franyt gyf god mycht
wit of it ware don be nycht.
sad scho: “nathing be hyd may
fra god þat don is, nycht or day.”
quod scho: “laydy, þan gyf me
þe text of þe ewangile for to se,
þat þar ve[r]yly fynd I may
of me þat quhat sal fal be assay.”
þe priores gert bring þe buk,
& scho It opnyt & can luk,
& fand þar wrytine in hy
þir wordis: “quod scripsi scripsi.”
þane went scho hame with hart sare,
in mekil murnyng & in care,
bannand þe tyme scho wes born
þat sagat had hyr-self forlorne;
bydand þe tyme til hyre husband
for hys nedis ȝed vp on land.
& sone, fra he went of ton,
manis clethinge scho gat bon
& cled hyre rycht as man scho ware,
& with a schere gert cut hir hare,
& of monkis til ane abbay
auchten myle þine held hir way.
& with þe abbot son scho met,
& hyme ful connandly scho gret,
& askit hym parcheryte
þat scho mycht þare resawit be,
& tak þe habyt, & as vythre
rendryt be to þame as bruthyre.
“quhat is þi nam, tel þu ws!”
“sir,” scho sad, “theodorus.”
þane sad he: “welcum mot þu be
for godis sak & cheryte.”


þane wes he tane & mad nowis
& leryt sa, for he was wyse,
al þat til a monk suld fere
in-to schort tyme wele perquere.
& al þai þat has hyr sene,
wend þat a man scho had bene.
& al hyr dedis ilke dele
scho did sa thankful & wele,
þat favore scho gat of þaim þat ware
in þat abbay, les or mare;
for quhat thing þai bad hir do,
but gruching scho ȝede It to.
þane in þe threde ȝere
þai ordenyt hyr þare out-rydere,
þar witale to þe house to by
quhare it ware fundine al redy.
þane cartis with hyre scho can ta,
with horse ane or ma,
& bryng hame quhet, oyle or wyne,
& nedful thing to þe keching.
& al þis tyme hyre husbande,
þat nocht cuth get of hyre tythande
but wend suthly scho had þane
passyt a-way with sum othyre mane,
cesit neuir sorou to mak,
na hyme to torment for hyre sak;
prayand god for his gret mycht
þat he mycht of hyre haf a sycht.
þane god, þat hard has his prayere,
gert til hyme ane angele pere,
þat sad: “gyf þu theodera
wil se, to-morne ayrly þu ga
& be-hald grathly to þat ȝat,
of petyr & paule callit þe gat,


& quha þu seis first apere,
þi wif is, wit þu but were!”
to þat worde gud tent he tuk,
& þat nycht mekyl woike,
& gat vpe in þe dawynge,
to se þat ilke lufit thinge,
& to þat place went but bade,
quhar þe angel sad hyme hade,
& saw a monk cum rydand by,
as afferyt, ful roydly
þat hayliste hyme & kneu hym wele;
bot he þe monk kneu na dele.
bot, had he wist, I vndirta,
þat it had ben theodera,
in handis he had hynt hym tyt,
& tyt fra hyr þat abyt!
bot scho with camelis and cart
held on to þe merkat wart,
& dide [þat] scho to do had þare,
& vnpersawit hame can fare.
bot he, þat bad in-[to] þe stret,
wenand with his wif to met,
& for he ne dyde, gret playnt mad
of god þat hyme dissawit had.
& son a woice [sad] hyme til:
“þu plenȝeis þe for-outyne skil,
for to-day morne wele ayrly
þu saw þi wyf cum rydand by,
& haylist þe, suppos þu
but cause on god plenȝeis now.”
the buk sais theodera,
to god of hewine plesit sa
þat he for hyr did ferlis sere,
lifand til scho wes duelland here.
for in a tyme as scho furth rade,
scho fand a man, a best hade


slane & rewine in pecis sere;
for quhom to god scho mad prayere;
& at hyr prayere sone þane
he resuscit þat slane mane;
& þat fel best scho folouyt sa
þat scho cane son it oure-ta,
& waryt it in þat stede;
& it but bad fel done dede.
& mony vthyr merwale sere
scho wrocht, þat I to wryt ame suere.
þe feynd at hyre þan had inwy
þat scho to god wes sa worthy,
for he of[t] for hyre halynes
ful schamefully confundyt wes.
for-þi til hyre he cane apere
in fourme of man as it were,
& sad: “fule foule, þu has ne scham
of god na of manis blame,
þat for þi wikit adultery
has lefit þi housband sc[h]amfully,
& cumis here to mere me.
be al my vertuise I suere þe,
þat ar to dout ful gretly,
þat werra þe sa sal I
þat þu sal reny hym ful sone,
þat for þe one þe croice wes don;
& gyf [I] ne do, sa þane at I
dois bot leis apertly.”
þane scho on hyr face can lay
þe takine of þe croice verray;
& he away, as It ware reke,
wanyst son his il to eke.
theodorus þan in þat place
thankit god of his grace.
syne tyd theodorus to fare
til a cyte, as he did are,


to by vitale & vthir thing
of þe abbay for þe vphalding,
with men, hors & charyot,
be ordinance of þe abbot.
& wes as ware þe mydde way
be-twene þe ton & þe abbay
he restit & tuk bydyng
ful oft, quhen he com with sik thing.
þar hapnyt hym to tak herbry
in a nycht, þare as sad I.
a ȝung maydine wes in þe in,
þat with hyme had sic wil to syne
þat, quhen mirkest wes þe nycht,
scho come on til his bed rycht,
& sad: “theoder, I pray þe
þu wald lat me ly by þe;
for sene þu firste here tuk gestning,
I haf þe lufit atoure althing,
sa þat I mon but delay
get grant of þe with me to play.”
& fra theodorus wist þat scho
ȝarnit sic foly with hyme do,
he sad: “ga hyne be-lyf þi way,
& lat me rest til it be day!
or mony man sal one þe wondyr
þat wald bring me in sik blondyr.”
& quhen scho wist scho mycht nocht
hyr wil get as scho thocht,
in þat gret het þat scho
wes in, went ane oþire to;
& hapnyt be-twene þaim so be
þat a knafe childe gat he.
syne eftyre of tyme in processe
hapnyt þat scho gretare wes,


& hyr frendis sperit ȝarne,
quha with hyr gat þat barne.
þane ansuert scho þaim þus:
“It wes þe monk theodorus,
þat waityt me [ap]-on a nycht,
& me beforsit be his slicht,
& sa gat þis barne on me,
maydine or knaf quheþir it be.”
quhat suld I mare of þis say,
bot, of hyre tyme quhen com þe day,
scho bare a knaf child, ful fare
til haf bene a kingis ayre.
& hyr frendis but ony mare
þe barne sone til þe abbot bare,
sayand: “þis barne we bring to þe,
þat þu gere it fosteryt be;
for dene theodorus, þat þu
wenis a haly man be now,
our childe difforsit & it gat;
& we trew he wil nocht nyt þat.”
þe abbot þan wes wondir wa,
& thocht laith with þe barne to ta,
bot callit þe monk, & sad: “art þu
sic a lychure waxine now,
þat I wende al tyme had bene
a man of haly lyf & clene,
& for þi fule luste has schent
me, my house, & my cowent?
& þis þu ma nocht nyt, parde,
for, lo, þe barne is brocht to me.
quhare-of þu art gretly to blam,
þo I for þi dede hafe schame;
ȝet þane tel furth one þi wil
þe ansuer þu makis here til!”


thane scho, þat þare was munk, & thocht,
þo scho þe dede nyt wele mocht,
men suld nocht treu hyr but assay,
quhethyre scho sad suth or nay,
& lath ware hyr þat ony man
suld wit be pruf scho ware weman;
& lath scho was neuir-þe-les
to tyne þe mede of tholmodnes;
& als hyr lykit for to be
punyste, be-cause in sic degre
for scho had mysdone til hyre mak;
þare-for wald scho sic penance tak.
þane sad scho til þe abbot sone:
“sir, suth is I sic dede has done.
for-þi it is resone & skyl
þat I be punyste at ȝoure wil;
bot þe as fadyr nocht-for-þi
[I] prays þe now of mercy.”
þe abbot þan, þat al mycht se,
gert þe barne þare bundyne be
a-pon þe monkis bak but bad,
& gert hyme to þe ȝet be had.
& he in þat place done hyme set,
& tuk þe childe, & sare gret;
for noþir cuth he nuryse be,
na had possibilyte
þar-of to fede þe barne.
bysynes ȝet dide he ȝarne,
&, seand na betir wane,
þe mylk of sowis has he tane,
þat lay by in þe myddyng,
& þar-of fede þe teyndir thing.
& hyr brethyr, as þai durse,
wald bryng til hyre sum crum, sum cruse;
for þe monkis les & mare


of hyre dissese had hartis sare.
þane duelt scho þare sewine ȝere
pacyently in sic manere.
& al þat tyme þe feynd, oure fa,
cesit nocht to wirk hyr way.
þane þe forme can he ta
of þe man of theodera,
& as hyr husband cane apere
til hyr & sad: “myn hart dere,
haf reutht of me & cum þi way
with me, þat murnis nycht and day!
for Ioy na solace bot thru þe,
na lykine in my hert ma be;
for but þe luf may I nocht,
sa art þu set in my thocht.
& þo þu defulyt be
with man, I for-gyf [it] þe.”
scho, wenand þat it ware hir man,
þat [sic] spek mad til hyr þane,
sad: “I wil nocht cume to þe,
for sir Ionys sone la by me;
þar-for I wil nocht cum þe til,
bot my pennance here fulfil.”
& has scho had þusgat sad,
þe takine of þe croice scho lade
one hyr; & he but ony mare
wanyst away as he reke ware,
& scho wist it wes hyr fa,
þat falsly hyr fandit sa.
ȝet for he wald hyre strinth vnkit,
he schupe to fley hyr of hir wit;
for-þi in þe liyknes
of wilde bestis mare & les
he gert feyle feyndis þare apere,
to schot one hyr with fellone bere.
& þat feynd hym-selfe þane


apperyt as it ware a man
& slaytyt þaim full fellonly,
& bad þai suld þat hure wery.
þe takine of þe croice scho mad ay;
& as reke þai wanyst away.
ane vthyr tyme com hyre by
lyk to knychtis a cumpany,
& befor þame gangand þare,
þe prince of al as It ware;
& al þai knychtis apon kne
ennornyt hym, þat scho mycht se,
& askyt [at hir] quhy þat scho
as þai did til hyme, wald nocht do.
quod scho: “I honoure nane
bot god of hewine, my lord ane.”
þane bad þe prince hyr til hym bryng
& torment hyr sare and dynge.
þane at bydyng þai hyre befte,
& in þat place nere ded lefte,
& wanyst as rek a-way;
& scho recouerit but delay.
ane vthyr tyme scho schaw ly
a lumpe of fyne gold hyre by,
& for þe sycht sanyt hir sone,
& saw it nocht, as þat wes done.
ane oþir tyme as scho sat þare,
come a man þat a skepe bare
fyllyt of met of delyt,
& bad hyr ete þare-of tyt,
“for sic met ete þu nocht are,
& oure prince, þat gert bet þe sare,
þe sende It, þat [vn]wittandly
gert ws bet þe sa fellounly.”
þane scho hyre saynit but delay;
& þat fandyng went away.


& as scho had sewine ȝere þare
bene in sic wyse, in scham & care
in opyn sycht, þat al mycht se,
þe abbot had of hyr pyte;
& monkis al of þe abbay
for hyr teyndirly can pray.
& he hyr reconsalyt & brocht In,
& remytit hyre al hyr syne,
& þe barne in with hyr tuke
to lere & set to þe buke.
& ȝet wes nan be ony slycht
þat scho wes woman persawe mycht.
þe childe ȝet held scho þare ay,
& fosterit it nycht & day.
þane eftyr twa ȝere ware gane,
fra scho wes in þe abbay tane,
þe abbot a monk a day
til hym callit, & can say:
“theodorus on nycht alane
oysis spekine as It ware with ane,
& I wald wit of quhat thing
þat tyme he makis his carpyng,
quhethyr be hym-self ore be wthir,
or gyf it war with ony bruthyre.
þar-for ga þis nycht priuely
&, þat he spekis & quham with, espy,
& syne to-morne þu tel me
þe suth, quhat-sa-euir It be!”
þane sad he, with gud wil
his byding he suld fulfil.
bot god, þat helpis in nede
& for gud dissert gyfis mede,
þat nycht of theodera
of his grace disponyt sa,


þat scho persauit wele apere
þe stond of dede til hyre nere.
for-þi þe barne scho tuk hir til,
& kyssit It with gud wil,
& sad: “dere sone, wit þu
þat I mon pas of þis lyf nou;
þar-for to god I commend þe,
þat he þi helpe & fadyre be.
& þu til hyme pray Ithandly
& faste, as þu ma, gudely,
& to þis brethyre of þis abbay
þou serwe treuly, I þe pray!”
& thechand [hym] on þis manere,
til god scho ȝald þe gast rycht þare,
Fourhu[n]dir ȝeris aucht & sewinty
fra god flesche tuk of oure lady.
þat ilke nycht to þe abbote,
þat haly man wes and deuote,
a wisione on þis manere,
nocht fully slepand, can apere.
he thocht in hewine he suld se
a grete brydale grathit be,
quhare gaderit ware in þat hal
of angelis, prophetis, orderis al,
& al halowis þat ware,
& a bede in myd þaim þare
sa mychty fare & preciuse
þat sic wes neuir sene in house;
& a woman ymang þaim al
with Ioy wes brocht in-[to] þat hal,
þat bricht wes be manis sycht
as þe son on dais licht,
& brocht with blythnes to þe bed
& one set, rycht wele spred,
& men [hir] honouryt, as scho had bene
a ful gret & a ryale queyne.


& a woice sad [til] hyme þus:
“þis is þi monk theodorus,
þat sakles wes for lychery
to þe accusit wikitly,
& þu sal wit þe suthfastnes;
for scho a werray woman was.
bot [for] scho fylyt fulely
hyr manis bed in adultery.
scho has bene chastit felly here
of þi bidding sewine ȝere;
for-þi with god scho has sic grace
as þu here sene now has.”
& þe monk, þat wok þat nycht,
com to þe abbot at day-lycht
& talde Ilke worde playnly
þat þe monk sad þe barne hym by.
þe abbot þane with þe cowent
to theodorus cel went,
& cled in til his bed hym fand,
& þe barne by hyme gretand.
& vncled hyr, as custum was,
þe ded body for to wesche:
& fand it wes a woman
þat sa gat had þar habit tane,
& tholyt of hyr pacyence
þaim to do hyr sic offence
but cause, as þai saw in hy.
þane send þai til hyre fadir by,
til hyr fadir þat gert blame
þar monk & say defame,
& bad he suld his douchtir bryng,
to se þat monkis enteryng,
& for hyr son to set sum rede,
sen his fadir þane wes dede.
& as scho com, scho fand onhyd


þe falset þat hyr-selwine dide;
& as scho saw þat, but mare
for wengeance scho ȝed wode þare,
& in wrak of hyr fals plicht
deit sodanely in þare sicht.
þane ware þai sa abaisit al
þat þis saw, gret and smal;
& al þat hard þis, gef lowynge
for his gret mycht til hewynis king;
& dout & trastnes greu þane
to richtwise & to sinful man.
þe angel bad þe abbot þat tyde
þat he til þe cite suld ryde,
& quhat man he met,
bad bryng hym agane but let.
sa met he a man gud-spede,
& askit at hyme quhare he ȝede.
quod he: “my wyfe is dede, I treu,
& I spede me to se hyre now.”
þane þe abbot son hym hynt
on horse be-hynde hym, or he stynt,
& brocht hyme on to þe abbay,
& led hyme sene quhare scho lay.
þane grathit þai hyr sepultur
with besynes & gret honoure,
& hyr enterit þar quhare ay
god for hyr dois miraclis alway;
for ony þat ar sek or sare,
to get hele, oft cummys þare.
þane hyr husband þurchasit hir cel,
& his lyftyme þar can duel,
& sic seruice to god mad þane
þat he wes haldyn haly man.
& hyr barne þat behynd hir wes,
halely folouyt ewine hir trace.


in vertuise & in thowis fare
he mycht wele be callyt hir ayre,
& sa can hyme-selfe leyde
þat eftir þe abbotis dede
al þai of þe cowent
mad hyme abbot of hale assent,
& þe house sa gouernyt ay
þat haly is he cowntit to-day.