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Princes!—and you, most valorous,
Nobles and Barons of all degrees!
Hearken awhile to the prayer of us,—
Beggars that come from the over-seas!
Nothing we ask or of gold or fees;
Harry us not with the hounds we pray;
Lo,—for the surcote's hem we seize,—
Give us—ah! give us—but Yesterday!”
“Dames most delicate, amorous!
Damosels blithe as the belted bees!
Hearken awhile to the prayer of us,—
Beggars that come from the over-seas!
Nothing we ask of the things that please;
Weary are we, and worn, and gray;
Lo,—for we clutch and we clasp your knees,—
Give us—ah! give us—but Yesterday!”
“Damosels—Dames, be piteous!”
(But the dames rode fast by the roadway trees.)
“Hear us, O Knights magnanimous!”
(But the knights pricked on in their panoplies.)
Nothing they gat or of hope or ease,
But only to beat on the breast and say:—
“Life we drank to the dregs and lees;
Give us—ah! give us—but Yesterday!”



Youth, take heed to the prayer of these!
Many there be by the dusty way,—
Many that cry to the rocks and seas
“Give us—ah! give us—but Yesterday!”