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The miscellaneous works of David Humphreys

Late Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the Court of Madrid

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The spark of patriot fire, with earliest breath
Enkindled, fears no quenching damps of death.
Me love of country fir'd in early life,
To rush amidst the military strife:
Touch'd by that heat, no dangers daunt the brave,
Though foes unnumber'd hide the strand or wave.
Should russian war again insult our land,
Should civil discord shake her blazing brand;
Soon would my song, like songs of Tyrteus old,
Fire with new rage the bosoms of the bold;
Soon would our patriots march at music's sound,
And not a coward in the ranks be found!
The chill, slow blood of vet'rans soon would start,
And boil and eddy round the heated heart.