University of Virginia Library

Scene 3.

Scene the Palace, present the Prince, Ravilledo, Pedro Fagell, &c.
No Succours come! Oh most ill tim'd delay.

Tho' Succours still we want, yet 'tis a pleasure,
To think how dear our Enemies have paid
For this Attempt upon the Town of Mons;
The Duke de Maine, and the Grand Prior of France,
Killed in the Trenches; Megrim the Engineer
Wounded in both his Arms, and sent to Tournay,
Bouffleers and Vendosme hurt almost to death,
Besides in their Attacques upon the Horn-Works,
They've lost at least above six thousand Men.
[A great Noise heard.
What Tumult can be this, which dares presume,


T'infest the Palace at this time of Day?

Enter a Messenger.
My Lord, my Lord, a most confused Rabble,
Of Men and Women, headed by the Abbots,
Old Grimchi and Vaneufe, are pressing forward,
And say that they have business with your Highness.

I never lik'd the two fat Abby Lubbers,
They're dangerous I fear—go, know their Business.
Exit Messenger.
I have a strange suspicion that these Villains
(Forgive the word) have put th'unthinking Rabble
Upon the Project of Capitulation.

Re-enter the Messenger.
My Lord, they press upon the place so thick,
They have already fill'd the outward Courts,
Where loudly, every one of them, bauls out, Surrender,
We'll hold no longer out, let's hear their Terms.

Villains—but ah I want too bad a Name,
To brand 'em with—Betrayers of their Country,
What shall I call 'em?—Oh I am lost in passion;
These Priests have caus'd this Mischief; oh that Lucifer
Had took 'em all into his private Custody
[Shouts heard.
Before the Seige—the Torrent grows too high,
And faint resistance makes it flow the faster.
Nothing we want; our Arms and our Provisions
Hold out, the Souldiers too are valiant,
And nothing but the Priests and Burghers Cowards;
O Priest-Craft, Shop-Craft! how do ye Effeminate
The Mind of Man.
[A Drum is heard upon the Walls and shooting.
Hah! do I hear a Drum?
Nay, then 'tis done, and Mons is now no more;
The Plagues which did all Ægypts Land infest,
Are nothing to the single plague of Priest.