University of Virginia Library


To VARIUS. Ode 18.

Wine moderately drunk makes Chearful, but immoderately Furious.

Varius, no Tree before the sacred Vine
For Tibur-plant, sweet gentle Soil, design;
God does propound things hard where brains be dry;
Corroding Griefs this routed makes to fly.
Who chear'd with Wine sharp Warfare, want condoles;
But (BACCHUS) thee, fair VENUS, thee extols.
But least some LIBER'S sober Gifts exceed,
Let Centaurs Braul with Lapithes fear breed;
And BACCHUS dire to Thrace: Men past their bound,
Greedy of Lusts (small difference) confound
Both right and wrong, kind Bassareus, I never
Shall force thy Will, nor toss thy Secrets ever,
With Vine leaves hid thy Berecinthian Horn.
Fierce Tabers hold, whence blind Self-love is born;
T'advance the Proud, though empty Crest, assaying;
Trust prodigal, close thoughts like Glass betraying.