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Mercuri facunde!—
Te canam, magni Jovis et Deorum

God of the winged Heels, and silver Tongue,
Ambassador and errand boy of Jove,
Whose honied lips are with persuasion hung,
Whate'er the theme thine eloquence approve.
Of Courts thou can'st unravel all th' intrigue;
Each secret spring and mystery describe,
Unveil a Treaty, penetrate a League,
Detect a Bargain, or smell out a Bribe.
If jaring interests perchance contend,
The subtle agent thou, and go-between,
The breach can'st widen, or contention end,
Adjust the terms, or give the bribe, unseen.
Patron of thieves and robbers! by thy aid,
Pirates turn'd honest privateersmen, thrive;
And thievish refugees, no more afraid,
Shall now in turn their persecutors drive.


Whate'er on earth, at present, be thy name,
Camillus Curtius, H *** n or J * y,
O let the Treaty thy protection claim,
Defend the British Court and IT, I pray.
O let thine eloquence unerring prove,
That much to suffer is but to provoke,
That hatred 's due to those we ought to love,
And love to those who have our nappers broke.
That perfidy is faith—to dearest friends;
That faith is due but to perfidious foes;
Security begins where safety ends,
And peace commences with a bloody nose:
That to give up is to obtain redress;
To pay is to receive what is our due;
That cowardice is courage ne'ertheless;
Falsehood the only thing on earth that's true.

Camillus is the signature of the author of the Defence published in New-York. The signature of Curtius appears to have been adopted by the same, or some ether party-writers of the same kidney. If these gentlemen are not already members of the British pension-list, it seems probable that they are candidates for that honour.

See the arguments of Camillus and Curtius throughout.