University of Virginia Library



O Shepherd of Israel,
Thy lost flock are straying;
Our Helper, our Saviour,
How long thy delaying!
Where, Lord, is thy promise
To David of old,
Of the King and the Shepherd
To gather the fold!
“Cold, cold is the night wind,
Our hearts have no cheer,
Our Lord and our Leader,
When wilt thou appear?”
So sang the sad shepherds
On Bethlehem's cold ground
When lo, the bright angels
In glory around!
“Peace, peace, ye dear shepherds,
And be of good cheer;
The Lord whom ye long for
Is coming—is here!
In the city of David
Behold him appear—
A babe in a manger—
Go worship him there.”
They went and were blessèd.
Dear soul, go thou too;


The Saviour for them
Is the Saviour for you.
Oh, kneel by the manger,
Oh, kneel by the cross;
Accept him, believe him,—
All else is but dross.