University of Virginia Library


  • 1. What happened to the colony after Smith's departure?

  • 2. Describe the starving time.

  • 3. Who deserves special mention during this period, and why?

  • 4. Give an account of the wreck of the Sea Venture.

  • 5. How were the survivors of the colony saved from starvation?

  • 6. Why did they decide to abandon Jamestown?

  • 7. Who first bore the title of governor of Virginia?

  • 8. By what means did Lord Delaware accomplish much good in the

  • 9. Why did he return to England?

  • 10. Who succeeded Lord Delaware?

  • 11. Give an account of Dale's administration.

  • 12. What was it called?

  • 13. What good results did Dale accomplish?

  • 14. What experiment of his proved important?

  • 15. When Argall became governor, how did he act toward the people,
    and the London Company?

  • 16. How did he escape with his ill-gotten gains?