University of Virginia Library

Quhou Iupiter, for Venus causs and lufe,
Hass set Eneas as god in hevyn abufe.
Venus with this, all glaid and full of ioy,
Amyd the hevynly hald, rycht myld and moy,
Befor Iupiter down hir self set
And baith hir armys abowt hys feyt plet,
Enbrasand thame and kyssand reuerently;
Syne thus with voce express scho said inhy:
“Fader almychty, that from thy hevynly ryng
At thy plesour rewlys and sterys al thyng,
That manis dedys, thochtis and aventuris
Reknys and knawys, and therof hess the curis;
Weill I ramember, quhen that the pepill Troian
With hard onfrendly forton was ourtane,
Thou promyst of thar laubouris and distress
Help and support, and efter dyseyss soless.
Nowder thy promyss, fader, nor sentens
Hess me dissauyt, for lo, with reuerens
All the faderis of Italy hess se,
But discrepans, fully thir ȝheris thre,
In blyssyt peax my son enioyss that land;
Bot certis, fader, as I vndirstand,
Onto the starnyt hevynly hald on hie
Thou promyst rayss the maste douchty Enee,
And, for hys meryt, abufe thy schynand sky
Hym forto place in hevyn and deify.
Quhat thochtis now doith rollyng in thy mynd,
Sen, ellys, doith the vertuus thewys kynd


Of this reuthfull Eneas the requyr
Abuf the polys brycht to rayss that syre?”
The fader tho of men and goddis all
Gan kyss Venus hys child, and tharwithall
Thir profund wordis from hys breist furth braid:
“My deir douchtir Citherea,” he said,
“Thow knawys quhou strangly the mychty Ene
And the Eneadanys all of hys menȝe
Ithandly and onyrkyt luffyt haue I,
On se and landis catchit by and by
In perrellis seir, and quhou that ofttyme eik,
Havand piete of the my douchtir meik,
For lufe of the, for thar dyseyss was wo;
And now I haue, lo, finaly alsso
All thar harmys and ennoy brocht till end,
And maid Iuno, as that full weill is kend,
Fortobecum frendly and favorabill:
Now lykis me, forsuyth, all ferm and stabill
My sentens promyst to compleit,” quod he,
“Quhen that the riall Troian duke Ene
Amang the hevynnys institut I sall,
And hym to numbyr of the goddis call:
All this I grant with gud willis per fay,
Tharfor, se that thou clenge and do away,
Gif thar be in hym ony mortall thyng,
And syne abuf the starnys thou him bryng:
I sall alsso heich ony of hys kyn,
Quhilk of thar proper vertu lyst do wyn
Perpetuall lovyng by dedis honorabill,
And doith contemp the wrachit warld onstabill;
Thame in lyke wyss abufe the hevynnys hie
I sal do place and deify,” quod he.
The goddis abuf alhaill gave thar consent,
Nor ryall Iuno, at that tyme present,
Lyst not contrary, bot gan perswaid full evyn
To bryng the gret Ene vp to the hevyn,
And frendly wordis of hym carpys thar.
Than Venus slaid discendand throw the ayr


And socht onto the feildis Lawrentan,
Neir by quhar that Numycus throu the playn,
That fresch ryver, flowys to the see,
Dekkyt abowt with redis growand hie;
Quharin the body of hir son sa deir
Scho maid do wesch, and vnder the stremys cleir
All that was mortale or corruptibill thyng
Gart do away; and syne, at hir lykyng,
The recent happy sawl with hyr hynt sche
And bair it vp abuf the ayr full hie
Onto the hevyn, quhar reuthfull Eneas
Amyd the starnys chosyn hass his place;
Quham the famyll and kynrent Iulian
Doith clepe and call amangis thame euery ane
Indigites, quhilk is alsmekill to say
As god induellar, at thar sudiornys ay;
And, in remembrans of this ilk turn,
Thai gan hys templis wirschip and adorn. etc.