University of Virginia Library

Eneas foundis a wallit town and squair;
Quhamto Venus can diuerss thingis declar.
And thus thai festyng days nyne at all,
With large pompe and kyngly apparall
Accordyng sych a spowsage as was this,
And quhen the tent morrow cummyn is,
Than this ilk souerane and maste douchty man,
Eneas, forto found hys town began;
Fyrst gan he mark and cirkill with a pleuch
Quhar the wallys suld stand, thar drew a sewch;
Syne Troianys fundis tenementis for thame self,
And gan the fowceis and the dichis delf.
Bot lo, onon, a wonder thing to tell,
Ane huge bleyss of flambys braid doun fell


Furth of the clowdis, at the left hand straucht,
In maner of a lichtynnyng or fyre flaucht,
And dyd alicht rycht in the sammyn sted
Apon the crown of fair Laviniais hed,
And fra thyne hie vp in the lyft agane
It glaid away, and tharin dyd remane.
The fader Eneas astonyst wolx sum deill,
Desyrus this syng suld betakyn seill;
Hys handis baith vphevis towartis hevin
And thus gan mak his boyn with myld stevin:
“O Iupiter, gif euer ony tyme,” said he,
“The Troian pepill, baith by land and see,
Thyne admonitions, command and impyre
Obeyt hass, page, man or syre;
Of gif that I ȝour power and godhed
Dred, and adornyt intyll ony sted
Ȝour altaris, or ony wirschip dyd tharto;
And be that thyng ȝit restis forto do,
Gif ony thyng behynd ȝit doith remane—
With this ȝour happy takyn augurian
Ȝeld ws ȝour plesand rest and ferm pess,
Mak end of all our harmys and causs thame cess.”
As he sik wordis warpys owt that tyde
Hys goldyn moder apperis hym besyde,
Confessand hir tobe the fair Venus,
And with hir blissyt mowth scho carpis thus:
“Son, do syk thocht and dreid furth of thy mynd,
Ressaue thir godly syngis in bettir kynd,
And ioyusly enioys, myn awyn Enee,
The gret weilfar fra thens sal betyd the.
Now is thy rest and quiet fund and kend,
Now of thy harmys is cummyn extreme end;
Now at the last, as thou desyris, perfay,
This warld with the sal knyt vp peax for ay.
Abhor thou nocht the fyre and flambis brycht,
From thy deir spowsys hed glaid to the hycht,
Bot constantly thy mynd thou now address;
It salbe scho, I the declar express,


That sall with blude ryall the douchty name,
Thy successioun, renown and nobill fame,
And Troian pryncis, of thy seid discend,
Abufe the clowdis hie and sternys send.
Scho sall of thy lynnage, my son Enee,
Bair childryng full of magnanymyte,
Of quhais ofspryng sik men sal succeid
That all this large warld far onbreid
With thar excelland wirschip sall fulfill,
And by thar mychty power, at thar will,
As conquerouris, vnder thar senȝeory
Subdew and rewle this warldis monarchy;
Of quham the schynand souerane glor sall wend,
And far beȝond the occean see extend,
Makand thame equale with the hevynnys hie;
Quham, finaly, thar ardent gret bonte
And soueran vertu, spred sa far onbred is,
Eftir innumerabill sa feill douchty dedis,
Sall mak thame goddis and thame deify,
And thame vpheiss full hie abufe the sky.
This flambe of fyre the wirschip and renovn
Doith signyfy of thy successioun;
The god almychty from his starrit hevin
Hass schawin tharfor this syng of fyry levin:
Tharfor, in recompens of sykkyn thyng,
And samekill wirschip of hir sal spring,
This cite, quhilk thou closys with a wall,
Eftir thy spowsis name clepe thou sall.
And forthir eyk, the goddis quham thou hynt
Of Troy, that tyme quhen it in flambys brynt,
Penates, or the goddis domesticall,
Thou set alsso within the sammyn wall:
Tharin thou gar thame soyn be brocht inhy
In hie honour, and tyme perpetualy
Thar to remane, eternaly to dwell.
I sall to the of thame a wonder tell:
Thai sall sa strangly luf this new cyte,
That, gyf thame happynnys careit fortobe


Tyll ony other sted or place tharby,
All be thame self agane full hastely
Thai sall return to this ilk town of thyne,
That thou beildis in boundis of Kyng Latyn;
Ȝa, quhou oftsyss that thai away be tayn,
Thai sal return haymwart agane ilkane.
O happy cyte and weil fortunat wall,
With quham sa gret rellykis remane sall,
Quharin thou sall in tyme tocum, but leyss,
Govern the Troian folk in plesand pess!
Eftir this at last Latyn, thy fader in law,
Wery of hys lyfe and far in age draw,
Doun to gostis in the campe Elyse
Sall wend, and end his dolly days, and de:
Onto hys ceptre thou sall do succeid,
And vnder thy senȝeory, far onbreid,
Sall weld and led thir ilk Italianys,
And common lawis for thame and the Troianys
Statut thou sall; and syne thou sall ascend,
And vp to hevyn glaidly thy self send:
Thus standis the goddis sentens and decreit.”
Na mair scho said, bot, as the gleym doith gleit,
From thens scho went away in the schyre ayr,
I wait nocht quhidder, for I com neuer thar.
Enee astonyst, havand hys mynd smyte
With syk promyss of renown and delyte,
Hys blissyt moderis command gan fulfill:
And now at plesand rest, at hys awyn will,
The Troian pepill rewlit he in pess.
With this the kyng Latynus can decess
And left the ceptre vacand to hys hand;
Than the reuthfull Ene our all the land
Of Italy succedis in hys sted
And gan full large bundis in lordschip led,
That halely obeyt to hys wand,
And at hys lykyng rewlit all the land.
Now equaly of fre will euery ane,
Baith pepill of Troy and folk Italian,


All of a ryte, manerys and vsans,
Becummyn ar frendly but discrepans;
Thar myndis and thar brestis in amyte,
In ferm concord and gret tranquylite,
Gan leif at eyss, confiderat in ally,
As vnder a law sammyn coniunct evynly.