University of Virginia Library

Barnes Compton.

Three miles from Charlottesville,
near Rio, on an eminence that rivals
even the magnificent view from
"Monticello," is located "Hilltop,"
the home of Mr. Barnes Compton, who
came to Albemarle last September.
The house, surrounded as it is by
beautiful grounds, and having been
fitted with every modern convenience,
is considered one of the handsomest
places in our county, and the picture
accompanying this article shows the
dense and cooling foliage that surrounds
the home. Mr. Compton is
making a specialty in the stock line of
Yorkshire hogs, of imported breed,
He also has a large orchard of the celebrated
Wine Saps, and intends going
into fruit raising on a large scale.


"Hilltop"—Home of Mr. Barnes Compton.

He who knows most, grieves most
for wasted time.—Dante.