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Songs, Ballads, and Other Poems

by the late Thomas Haynes Bayly; Edited by his Widow. With A Memoir of the Author. In Two Volumes

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Cried Fashion once, that idle queen,
“The Spring I love, the balmy Spring!
When trees put on their palest green,
And feather'd songsters learn to sing!”
Dame Nature heard her, and replied
“If thus you speak, our quarrel ends,
Henceforth we'll wander side by side,
Fashion and Nature now are friends.”
So Fashion chose a flowing gown,
Her flimsy fancies to conceal;
And simple Nature went to town
To visit Fashion en famille.
She sought her in the gay saloon,
Where she had revelled all the night:
But Fashion did not rise at noon,
Her rouge looks best at candlelight.
Nature found nothing to her taste;
She pined with Fashion by her side;
Her own flowers in vases placed,
Like birds in cages, drooped and died.
To save her life she ran away,
And Fashion did not much regret
Her simple guest;—so since that day
Fashion and Nature have not met.