University of Virginia Library

Scene II.

The same night.
Street outside Mary's house.
(Enter Tibullus, followed almost immediately by Judas).
A word with you. You are of the guests who leave
The house of Mary?

What is that to you?

Of little import—but to you it means
Much, very much. You love her?


Go your way;
Insult her not, insult me not, or else,
Jew though thou art, it may be worse for thee:
Ere this I would have stricken thee from my path,
Were not her nation thine.

(drawing Tibullus aside).
Tibullus, listen.
I know thee, and I know thy love for her,
But Mary also I know. A thousand love her:
Romans and Jews alike lay down their arms
And pass beneath the yoke of Mary's beauty.
But of her thousand lovers thou alone
Dost love her purely, therefore love I thee
And now would speak with thee.

Speak on: but harm not
Her reputation by a half breathed word,
Else surely will I slay thee!

Oh, reputation is a doubtful word;
It means so much—so little—reputation!
Why, one man's reputation turns upon
The number of girls he's ruined—fame for him
Speaks from a hundred virgin lips dishonoured.
Again, some women count it sport to find
Unsullied maids for man; their reputation
Turns wholly upon success or non-success
In drawing towards old men's desirous lips
Young girls' lips non-desirous—'prythee which,
Which reputation's Mary's?

Devil of hell,
Speak out, or else I slay thee!


(bowing obsequiously).
Nay, thy servant
Proceeds thus slowly, is of doubtful speech
And halteth, lest he wound thee. May he speak?

Speak, and let hell receive thee.

Wouldst thou know
The very whole, or wouldst thou know a part,
Part only, of the whole? The whole, they say—
(Tibullus strides forward, and makes as though he would seize Judas).
Nay, touch me not, else wouldst thou never hear
The whole!

Once more—and 'tis the last time—speak.

Remember then, most noble gallant sir,
Thyself didst bid me speak. Touch not thy sword:
Believe me, another needs that princely blade;
Could but that princely keen blade know the whole,
'Twould yearn to drink his heart's blood. But I dally:
Listen—thou trustest Mary—she betrays
Thy trust, is mistress to a hundred men,
Sells for sweet gold (gold is so very sweet!)
The lips thou hardly darest to dream upon;
Aye, even now within the very room
Thou leftest shortly since she, laughing softly,
With amorous kisses prostitutes herself,
Embracing thy sworn friend.

His name—his name?
This sword shall drink before the morning's light
Its fill of blood: if thou art speaking truth,


The blood of this foul traitor—if thou liest,
Then thine. His name?


Go thy way.
I'll to the house of Mary.

(Exit Tibullus).
(laughing and looking after him).
Go thy way,
But hasten not so fast, thou valiant Roman!
Nay, spare thy breath—thou art so fleet of foot—
Leave them alone a little; it may be
The first embrace thus early in the night
Is scarce accomplished, and their lips close-joined
Will hardly part to greet you—Tarry therefore,
Unless you wish—as ardent Phinehas
Stabbed woman and man, our ancient record saith—
To stab them in mid-tide of wild enjoyment!
Nay, wait awhile, and when they pause for breath
Start forth, with those great flashing eyes of yours
And that drawn threatening sword—Be interlude
Then to their kisses, they'll be weary then
And glad to greet you; she perhaps (who knows?)
—Women are kind—may keep a place reserved
For you upon the smooth side of her couch
And give you noble opportunity.
—Well, two are thus disposed of. Will these Romans
Alive and valiant see to-morrow's sun?
I trow not. Thus proceeds with steps that leave
Flame in their track my scheme of vengeance.
Vengeance gives zest to love, and love inflames


The fuel of vengeance to yet fiercer glow,
Till all the sky burns red.

(Exit Judas).