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scaena. 3.

enter Saena, Mr Hodgefeild, & Claribella.
well met most happy Signiour Hodgefeild; now
the fates befrind you I may call you happy.
Cytheris is thy owne; & the whole beauty
of the renowned valiant Isle of cyprus
is at thy service.

Mr Hodge.
Angelique Saena. I am ravished
with thy sweet tones; the harmony of the sphaeres
the epicedion of the dying Swan,
Apollo in his musique, or Arion
chanting upon the curled delphins backe
cannot exceede the musique of thy voice;


The sirens come behind thee; & ulisses
if thou hadst sang before his leaky ship
had quickly pulld the waxe out of his eares,
and heard thy musique, without Panique feares.

most rare y faith! who could deny a man
of this rich language, were shee venus, too
usurpe her soule, & body? ovidius Naso!
I cannot blame thee, when thou puts in eloquence
a speciall baite for love.

Mr. Hodg.
enough my pretty Saena. flattery
they say is oft the 2nd part of forced
and most abortive Rhetorique—but se yond
if that my eyes, my soule doth truly tell
the heavenly shape, of beautious Claribell

I will vanish;
(enter Claribell.
it is my mistresse.—

save you the offspring of the rosy morne
& watry Thetis bed.—

prethe leave off
these foolish, farfetched, & deare-bought expressions
which engles buy, of the poore threadbare poets.
& come directly to the matter, like
an honest countrey lover.—

Mr Hod.
& that phrase sutes my humour. dearest mistresse
when that happy day be signed out
with rubrick in our Almanacke, in which
the holy ceremonies shall unite
both of our hearts in one.—

stay some few daies
untill the old man, be enclosed in
his sacke of linnen; & then we will
be knit for ever.—he is already sicke.

Mr Hodge.
most admirable musique
then if it my please my princes; lets retire
& chat the other part, by a good fire.