University of Virginia Library



Are these your eyes, Isla,
That look into mine?
Is this smile, this laugh,
Heart of me, dear,
O pulse of my heart,
This is our child, our child—
And ... we apart!
Wrought of thy life, Isla,
Wrought in my womb,
Never to feel thy kiss!—
Ah, bitter doom.
Hush, hush: within thine eyes
His eyes I see ...
Soft as a bird's sighs
Thy breathings rise! ...
If there be Paradise
For him and me
(Who hold it but a dream
Because of bitter fate)
The first supernal gleam


Beyond the flame-swept gate
Shall be thine eyes when thou drawest near—
None other shall it be
Who his lost hands, with mine, and thine
In love refound, shall intertwine ...
But now, alas, alas, we are far apart,
My baby dear,
Pulse of my Heart!