University of Virginia Library



Sweet is the bower whare nae fierce sun-beams dazzle,
Down by the burnie o'erhung by the hazel;
For Mary an' I there hae aft met thegither,
O nane were sae blest on the braes of Balquhither.
The first kiss I gat was the sweetest o' ony,
An' lang did I dwall on her wee mou sae bonny;
I busk'd her pet Lamb wi' the flowers o' the heather,
An' she lov'd me for that on the braes of Balquhither.
Balquhither! my country, thou home of my childhood,
How happy was I when I rov'd thro' thy wildwood!
The gay Rose o' England may blossom or wither,
It ne'er can compare wi' the Heath of Balquhither.
The Indies is grand, and the Indies is gaudy,
But say, has it charms for a true highland laddie?
What are its plantations to me? I would rather
Hae my ain wee bit bower on the braes of Balquhither.