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The Knaues of Spades and Diamonds. With new Additions [by Samuel Reynolds]

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Like Maister like Man.

Like Maister like Man.

Two Seruing-men, or rather two men seruers.
(For vnto God they were but ill deseruers,)
Conferd together kindly, Knaue, with Knaue,
What fitting Maisters, for their turnes they haue.
Mine (quoth the one) is of a bountious sprite,
And in the Tauerne will be drunke all night:
Spending most lauishly he knowes not what,
But I haue wit to make good vse of that.
Mine (quoth the tother) loues to drinke carowse
And is for Tauerne and for bawdy house.
For if he meet a whoore that's to his mind,
No money parts them, oh hee's pockey kind,
He hath some humors very strange and odde:
As euery day at Church, and ne're serue God
With secret hidden vertues otherwayes,
As often on his knees, yet neuer prayes,
Quoth tother how dost proue this obscure talke?
Why man he haunts the Church, that's Paules to walke,
And for his often being on the knee,
Tis drinking healths, as drunken humors be.

It's passing good (I doe protest) quoth tother,
I thinke thy maister be my maisters brother,
For sure in qualities they may be kinne:
Those very humors he is daily in,
For drinking healths, and being churched so,
They cheeke by iowle, may with each other goe,
But pre thee let vs two in loue goe drinke,
And on these matters, for our profit thinke,
To handle such two maisters, turne vs loose,
Sheare thou the sheepe, and I will plucke the goose.