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WHEREAS, the University of Virginia wishes to finalize a consulting contract with Ms. Margaret Tarpley for educational research and evaluation; and

WHEREAS, University faculty member, Mr. Donald W. Ball, as the spouse of Ms. Tarpley, has disclosed an economic interest in the consulting contract; and

WHEREAS, the grantor of the research contract, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was made aware of the relationship and the scope of work expected; and

WHEREAS, the University of Virginia’s entry into a contract with Ms. Tarpley would expose Mr. Ball to violation of the Virginia Conflict of Interests Act unless approved by the Board as permitted by §2.2-3106(c) (7) of the Code of Virginia;

RESOLVED that the conflict of interest of Mr. Donald W. Ball is approved by the Board of Visitors in order to permit the University to enter into a consulting agreement with Ms. Margaret Tarpley; provided, as required by the law, Mr. Ball files the required annual disclosure statement of personal interests, the University files the required annual report concerning the contracts with the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and the chair of the Department of Leadership, Foundations and Policy of the School of Education, monitors the consulting contract in order to protect the interests of the University and to ensure compliance with policy.