University of Virginia Library


Irving's Works  $6 00 
Noctes Ambrosianæ. 4 vols  6 00 
Webster's Dictionary  3 50 
D'Israeli's Curiosities of Literature, with
American additions, by Griswold 
3 50 
Macaulay's Essays  1 50 
Crabbe's English Synonymes  1 50 
Critical writings of Talfourd and Stevens  1 50 
Carlyle's Essays  1 00 
Carlyle's Heroes and Hero Worship  1 00 
Professor Wilson's Essays  1 00 
Allison's Essays  1 00 
Recreations of Christopher North  1 00 
Sidney Smith's Essays  75 
Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric  75 
Alison on Taste  75 
Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful  75 
Boyd's Rhetoric  $0 50 
Hazlitt's Age of Elizabeth  50 
Leigh Hunt's Indicator. (2 parts,) each  50 
Leigh Imagination and Fancy  50 
Dramatic Authors of America. Reese  37½ 
Hazlitt's Table Talk. (2 parts,) each  37½ 
Carlyle's Past and Present  25 
Carlyle's Sartor Resartus  25 
French without a Master  25 
Italian without a Master  25 
Spanish without a Master  25 
German without a Master  25 
Latin without a Master  25 
Comic English Grammar. Illustrated  25 
Rhyming Dictionary  25 
Democracy, by Park Godwin  12½ 
Letter writing Simplified  12½