University of Virginia Library


The Essex Gazette.
Containing the freshest Advices, both Foreign and Domestick.

This was the first newspaper printed in Salem. No. 1
was published August 2, 1768; and it was continued
weekly, on Tuesday, crown size, folio, from small pica and
brevier types. In the centre of the title was a cut, of
which the design was taken from the official seal of the
county. The principal figure a bird with its wings extended,
and holding a sprig in its bill; perhaps intended
to represent Noah's dove; and this device was far from
being ill adapted to the state of our forefathers, who having
been inhabitants of Europe, an old world, were become
residents in America, to them a new one. Above the bird
a fish, which seems to have been intended as a crest,
emblematical of the codfishery, formerly the principal dependence
of the county of Essex, of which Salem is a shire
town. The whole supported by two aborigines, each holding
a tomahawk, or battle axe. Imprint, "Salem: Printed
by Samuel Hall, near the Town-House, Price 6s. 8d. per


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It was afterwards "printed by Samuel and Ebenezer
Hall." The Gazette was well conducted, and ably supported
the cause of the country.

In 1775, soon after the commencement of the war, the
printers of this paper removed with their press to Cambridge,
and there published the Gazette, or, as it was then
entitled, The New England Chronicle: Or, the Essex Gazette.
The junior partner died in 1775, and S. Hall became again
the sole proprietor. When the British army left Boston
Hall removed to the capital, and there printed The New
England Chronicle
, the words Essex Gazette being omitted.
After publishing the paper a few years with this title, he
sold his right to it, and the new proprietor entitled it
The Independent Chronicle,[42] and began the alteration with
No. 1.

The Salem Gazette and Newbury and Marblehead
A Weekly, Political, Commercial Paper—Influenced neither by Court
or Country

This paper, the second published in the town, made its
first appearance in June, 1774, printed on a crown sheet,


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folio, on an old long primer type, published weekly on
Friday. Imprint, "Salem: Printed by E. Russell, at his
New Printing-Office, in Ruck-street, near the State-House."[43]

This Gazette was of short continuance; its circulation
was confined to a few customers in Salem and the neighboring
towns, which were inadequate to its support.

The American Gazette: Or, The Constitutional

Was first published June 18, 1776. It was published
on Tuesday, printed on a crown sheet, folio. Imprint,
"Salem: Printed by J. Rogers, at E. Russell's Printing-Office,
Upper End of Main-Street," &c. Russell was
the conductor of this paper, Rogers being only his agent;
it was published only a few weeks. In the head was a
large cut, a coarse copy of that which then appeared
in the title of the Pennsylvania Journal; the device, a ship
and a book, or journal, &c., as has already been described.

It was several years after this newspaper was discontinued
before the printing of another commenced in Salem.
In January, 1781, Mary Crouch and company issued from
their press The Salem Gazette and General Advertiser. This
Gazette was printed only nine months, when Samuel Hall,
who first published The Essex Gazette, returned to Salem,
and, on the 18th of October, 1781, established The Salem
, afterwards printed by T. Cushing.[44]

[See List of Newspapers printed in the United States in
, 1810.]


This being the only allusion by Mr. Thomas to that paper, a portion of
a letter from the late Mr. Nathaniel Willis referring to it, dated Boston,
March 20, 1861, is quoted: "When I was an apprentice in the office of the
Independent Chronicle, about 1796, I found in the garret enough of these
papers to make a volume, which I arranged, had them bound, and have
recently presented the volume to the Boston Public Library. From this
it appears in their notices to the public, that Samuel Hall transferred the
paper to Nathaniel Willis and Edward E. Powars, June 13, 1776; in December,
1779, N. Willis appears as sole publisher until 1784; it was then
transferred to Adams & Nourse, afterwards Adams & Rhoades; and then
my father went to Virginia. I was an apprentice in the Chronicle office
from 1796 to 1803. Samuel Hall was a bookseller in the same store where
Gould & Lincoln so long remained, in Washington street." The Chronicle
was united with the Boston Patriot in 1819, when its title ceased. For a
full account of this paper, see Buckingham's Reminisences, 1, 248–87.—M.


Meaning court house.


In 1837, the editor of the Gazette stated that 49 other papers had
been started in Salem since the Gazette, of which 46 had broken up in
bankruptcy. Samuel Dodge died at Rowley, Mass., June 17, 1860, aged
82, who had taken and paid for the Salem Register sixty years.—M.