University of Virginia Library

bot scho nocht dred, þo he hir thret,
in cristis luf sa was scho set,
bot sad: “wit þu, it is my wil
in nathing to consent þe til.
for crist is god & lord of al
þat in þis warld are, gret & smal,
& al þi mawmentis euir ilkane
ar dume & def & ma haf nane
pouare to mak ocht, for þai ar mad,
& gerris in hel þare makaris wad.
bot here to god hale I me gyf,
in his clere court þat I ma lif
with haly madinis; for crist gaf
hyme-self to ded, synful to saf;
for-þi for hyme I haf na dred
to de, þat gyfis hewinly med,
& raisis ded men at his wil.
fore-þi hale I tak me hym til,
& þi fel maumentis dredis nocht.
for-þi do furth as þu has thocht!”