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A SATYRE: Hypocrisie discovered.

A holy crew of brethren conventickl'd
With Scriptures strange Interpretations pickl'd;


And sanctified sisters, whose nonsence
Snoach'd through the Nose, their Doctrines quintessence:
They held unlawfull, and that no man may
So much as dresse his meat on th'Sabboth day:
Another sayd (like a most subtle plodder)
Folke must not milke their Cowes, nor give Beast fodder:
The third replyd, it was a grievous crime
To let their Jacks turn spits in Sermon time:
But if ought must be done without delaying,
It's to be done whilst Common Prayer's saying;
For when that's ended, straight the Psalme begins,
And they'l go singing to repent their sins:
Then said a fourth, it fils my heart with wo
To see a Preacher ride, Christ bad them go
And teach all Nations, verily to me
This riding is no godly sight to see:
A fift man sayd (brethren) it is my lot
(As you all know) to sell Ale by the pot:
And (my belov'd) my Brewer brought me late
Ale, a french crown the barrell above rate:
But had not Orders from the State forbid it,
To buy such drinke, sure I should ne're have did it:
The Saturday at night they brought it in,
The Sabboth day to worke it did begin:
Surely 'twas most prophane unhallowed drink
Brewd with some Jewes, or Turkish Mault I thinke;
For I perswaded it from worke to leave,
And more and more it still did huffe and heave:
I with much griefe unto the teaching went,
Where Giles the Weaver gave me much content;
The next day I the Barrels head beat out,
And let the Ale run all the house about;


As good for nought but hogs to swill and swash,
And for the Swine 'twas comfortable wash:
Brother (sayd one) although too dear you payd,
You did do well, because you disobeyed;
And you did better (as all wise men thinke)
When (zealously) you spilt that wicked drinke.
Another sayd, when I did set mine eye on
The Kings Armes in the Church, the Rampant Lyon;
His priap mov'd concupiscentiall motions,
And did disturbe and hinder my devotions:
But when my husband came to be Church-warden,
I'le have some form of Flowers from Field or Garden,
Or sedge, or flags betwixt his legs were painted,
That hid his whimwham which my minde had tainted.