University of Virginia Library

The dysposicion of the xij. sygnes.


A]ries ys hoot, & also coleryk
And in þe hede kepeþ hys dominacion;
Taurus in þe þrote, be man hoole or seke,
That part haþ he in supportacion;
Geminus eke by reuelucion
Haþe in armes hys influence & werkyng,
How shuld a man þan be stedfast of lyuyng?


Cancer haþe the brest in hys demayne,
Of the hert lordshyp haþe þe Lyon,


Virgo þe gouernaunce haþe of twayne,
Of nouell & wombe, & Libra lower downe.
The membres of man gouerneþ þe Scorpioun,
By thys reson the philosofyrs seyng
Ys that man cannat be stedfast in lyuyng.


Of all the sygnes rekenyd here-to-forn,
The thyes of man gouerneþ þe Sagyttary
And knees & legges haþe þe Capricorn,
Eke þe calfe downeward perteyneþ to Aquary
And fro þe feete, I wyll nat long[er] tary,
Piscis haþ theym in hys kepyng;
Howe shuld a man þan be stedefast of lyuyng?
[Iohn Lidgat: Stow.]