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The Daily Progress historical and industrial magazine

Charlottesville, Virginia, "The Athens of the South"
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J. M. Fray & Co.—Advance Mills.


J. M. Fray & Co.—Advance Mills.

Among the leading mercantile establishments
of Albemarle County the
casual observer must accord a foremost
position to the old established and
representative house of J. M. Fray &
Co., dealers in general merchandise,
millers and undertakers located at
Advance Mills. The premises occupied
in the "County store" line by
this time honored concern comprises a
large structure, systematically fitted
up throughout with every facility that
a first-class store should have. The
assortment of goods carried includes
complete lines of foreign and domestic
groceries, druggists' sundries, dry goods,
clothing, boots and shoes, seeds, etc.
They receive directly all the standard
and new articles in the lines handled
and we need scarcely say that they deal
in only genuine goods which are sold
at rock-bottom and honest prices. The
goods carried are of the best quality

procurable and are always submitted
to the most rigid tests for purity and
strength. The large and ever increasing
trade extends over Greene and
Albemarle counties and is rapidly
extending in other directions. The
mills conducted by this progressive firm
are two, one for grinding sumac and the
other for flour, corn meal and feeds.
The special brand of flour manufactured
is the famous "White Eagle," which
is a general favorite with jobbers and
consumers alike. The firm is composed
of John M. Fray and his brother
G. A. Fray, Jr. The enterprise has
been established since 1884 and was
organized by their father Mr. A. G.
Fray, now retired, and whom his sons
succeeded about ten years ago. The
mill part of the business is under the
direct management of Mr. J. M. Fray
while the merchandise end is looked
after by Mr. A. G. Fray, Jr. The
flour mill has a capacity of about 30
barrels daily and is equipped with all

General View of the Fray Property—Advance Mills.


Fine Mill Plant of J. M. Fray & Co.

the very latest Wolf Gyrator system
of machinery. The firm also do a
general furniture and undertaking
business. Both gentlemen are natives
of Advance Mills and have a good
public school and practical business
education. Mr. J. M. Fray is the
owner of 600 acres of fine farm lands
and is a large cattle dealer. Mr. A. G.
Fray is a graduate of Bryant & Strattons
Business College of Baltimore,
from where he got his diploma in 1896.
He is also a prominent member of the
Elks. It should be added before we
close that the flour mill conducted by
this firm has been in operation for
about seventy-five years and was formerly
owned by their grand-father.
Everything has been thoroughly remodeled
during the last ten years.

Jamestown Exposition—Charlottesville
and Albemarle County will be
represented there in fine style, you bet.