University of Virginia Library


Page 210


This Hospital is the property of the University, and is under the
exclusive control of its Medical Faculty. It was designed and is administered
as a teaching hospital, being so arranged that free use can be made
of its clinical material without in any way disturbing or violating the
privacy of other patients.

The buildings are arranged upon the pavilion system, consisting of a
central structure, four stories in height, devoted to the purposes of administration,
and two wings. The administration building contains, on the
main floor, reception and consultation rooms; an amphitheater and private
operating rooms, with sterilizing and anesthetizing rooms attached, and an
X-ray room. The upper floors furnish accommodation for the nurses of
the training schools, while the basement contains the heating plant, laundry,
kitchen, etc. From this building corridors in three stories lead out to
the wards. These wards, having a capacity of about eighteen beds each,
are beautifully lighted, have direct indirect hot-water radiators, and forced
ventilation. Opening from each ward on the east is a large protected
porch, of great value to convalescents. The south wing has been in use
for several years; the new north wing, completed in 1907, gives the Hospital
a capacity of about 100 beds. The equipment throughout is new,
and conforms in all respects to the best usage of the day.

During the past year the number of patients has steadily increased,
and the range of influence of the Hospital has been greatly widened, patients
being received from all parts of the State.

Attention is particularly called to the fact that this hospital, with
its associated dispensary, constitutes a valuable adjunct to the teaching
facilities of the Medical School. The variety of cases presented, and more
especially the opportunities offered for a thorough study of the individual
case, afford unusually satisfactory conditions for clinical instruction.


Hospital Board: Drs. Whitehead, Davis, Watts, Hedges, Macon,
Marshall, Flippin, Stone.

Visiting Staff: The visiting staff consists of the Hospital Board
and the Clinical Instructors in the Dispensary.

Director of the Hospital: Dr. Watts.

House Surgeon: Dr. Pendleton.

Assistant House Surgeons: Drs. Goodwin and Moses.

Superintendent of Nurses: Miss M. J. Hurdley.

Head Nurse: Miss Mary Fletcher.

Pathologists: Dr. Marshall; Dr. Meloy.