University of Virginia Library

To the Cheapside Kt. on his Satyr against Wit.

By Mr. William Burnaby.
Some scribling Fops so little value Fame,
They sometimes hit, because they never aim.


But thou for erring, ha'st a certain Rule,
And, aiming, art inviolably dull.
Thy muddy Stream, no lucid Drop supplies,
But Puns like Bubbles on the Surface rise,
All that for Wit you could, you've kindly done;
You cannot write, but can be writ upon.
And a like Fate does either side befit,
Immortal Dulness, or immortal Wit.
In just Extreams an equal Merit lies,
And B---le and G***rth with thee must share the Prize,
Since thou can'st sink, as much as they can rise.