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Lydgate's Fall of Princes

Edited by Dr. Henry Bergen ... presented to The Early English Text Society by The Carnegie Institution of Washington

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[How Symak and Boys his son in lawe were banysshed and aftir Iuged to die.]

Afftir thes myscheuys Symak gan hym drawe
Toward Bochas with a ful pitous face;
Bois cam with hym, that was his sone in lawe,
Which among Romeyns gretli stood in grace.
But in this mateer breefli for[th] to pace,
The said[e] Bois, only for his trouthe
Exilid was; alas, it was gret routhe!
For comoun proffit he was onto the toun
In mateeres that groundid wer on riht
Verray protectour and stedfast champioun
Ageyn too tirauntis, which of force & myht
Hadde in the poraille oppressid many a wiht
Be exacciouns and pillages gunne of newe
Vpon the comouns, ful fals & riht vntrewe.
Whan Theodorik, of Gothes lord & kyng,
Took upon hym be fals intrusioun
To regne in Roome, the peeple oppressyng
Bi his too prouostis, as maad is mencioun,—
Did in the cite gret oppressioun,
Confederat as brothir onto brothir:
Coniugast, and Trigwill was the tothir.
Compendiousli this mateer to declare,
To saue the comoun Bois stood in diffence;
For lyff nor deth he list nat for to spare
To withstonde of tirauntes the sentence.
Kyng Theodorik of cruel violence
Banshed hym bi hatful tirannye,
He and his fadir tabide in Pauye.
Aftirward Theodorik of hatreede,
Lik a fals tiraunt, of malis & envie
Yaf iugement that bothe too wer dede.
Bot touchyng Boys, as bookis specefie,
Wrot dyuers bookis of philosophie,
Of the Trynite mateeres þat wer dyuyne,
Martird for Crist & callid Seueryne.