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Outside the palace.
Lysimachus and three Courtiers; afterwards Asander.

My lords, what have you to
report? Have the men arrived?

1st Court.

For a week past they
have been arriving at the rate of fifty a
day. The ships anchor in due course.
At dead of night, when everything is
still, the merchandise is landed and
conveyed well-disguised to the disused
granaries adjoining Lamachus' palace,
with good store of arms and provisions.

2nd Court.

Yes, and by the day of
the festival we shall have more than


five hundred well-armed men within
the walls, who, while the people are
feasting, will bear down all opposing
forces and open the gates to the larger
body, who will lie concealed in the
grain-ships in the harbour.


Does no one suspect, think
you, as yet?

1st Court.

Not a soul. The stores
are landed at midnight, and the place
is haunted and full of noises.

3rd Court.

Does the Prince know?


Not yet, not a word. I can't
trust him with his blind love for his wife.

3rd Court.

What if he will not be
of us?


Then he shall be put under
hatches at once for Bosphorus, and may
take his wife with him if he pleases.

1st Court.

But will he pardon the


The lad is a good lad enough,
but weak as water. The world always
pardons successful enterprises. Besides,
I am in great hopes that he has so
quarrelled with the ruler of Cherson,
and may be, moreover, so out of
conceit with his wife, that we can do as
we will with him.

2nd Court.

But be prudent, my
Lord Lysimachus, I beg, for we know
not how far he is with us, and if he is
against us now, it may take more than
we know to keep our heads on our


My lords, you shall not lose a
drop of your blood. But here is my
Lord Asander. He looks cast down
enough, in all conscience.

Enter Asander.

Well, Prince, hast thou seen the lady?


Speak not to me of her, I pray.
I must leave this accursed place at once
and for ever, and must take my wife
with me. Once in Bosphorus, I may
know again the happiness which is
denied me here. I will not stay here
a day. Is there any ship from
Bosphorus in harbour? Get me away
tonight secretly, and the Lady Gycia
with me.


My lord, there are many ships
here from Bosphorus, but none empty
or which can be spared now; but it
wants but two days to the festival, and
if thou wilt tarry until then, it may be
we can so arrange that either thou mayst
set sail for Bosphorus at will or bring
Bosphorus hither at will.


What do these words mean?
You speak in riddles. I care not what
becomes of me, but remember my
honour, Lysimachus, my honour! If
any scheme against the State of Cherson
is in your mind, I will have none of it.
I want nothing of these people, only to
be allowed to turn my back upon them
and their intrigues for ever, and to
carry the wife whom I love far away
from the air of chicane and base deceit
which makes this Cherson a hell.

My Lord Asander, thou hast not forgot
Thy oath which thou didst swear ere first you left
Our Bosphorus, that, come what fate should come,
Thou wouldst not forget her. Now, as Fate would have it,
These gentlemen and I, hearing report
Of the grand festival which now approaches,
Have ta'en such measures as may make our city
Mistress of this her rival. Day by day


Ships laden deep with merchandise cast anchor
By Lamachus's palace, and unload
At dead of night their tale of armèd men,
And by to-morrow night, which is the eve
Of the feast, five hundred men-at-arms or more
In a dark hall, long empty and disused,
These fools deem haunted, where the sounds they make
Seem not of earth, and none draw near to hear,
Will lie concealed. These, when the festival
Has spent itself, and the drowsed citizens,
Heavy with meat and wine, are fast asleep,
Will issue forth at midnight and will seize
The guardians of the gates, and throw them open
To an o'erwhelming force which fills the ships
Which lie within the harbour. For the rest,
Cherson is ours, thou free to go or stay,
King if thou wilt; but this, my lord, know well—
Even if thou hast no reverence for thy oath,
No power on earth can free thee from thy bonds
Or speed thee hence, if still this cursèd State
Keeps its free power. Therefore, look well to it.

I cannot do this thing. I am no thief
Or midnight murderer, but a prince and soldier.
Place me in open battle, and I care not
For bloodshed; but this murderous intrigue,
I will have none o't.

Nay, my lord, in sooth,
Why think of bloodshed? If our scheme go right
(And nought can mar it now), what need of blood?
These smooth knaves, though they fight behind their walls
With cunning enginery, yet when they see
Our army in their streets, will straight grow prudent
And hug discretion. But, indeed, my lord,
We have gone too far to pause, and if thou like not
Our scheme, which makes for thee and for our State,
We cannot risk that thou denounce our plan,
And therefore, if thou wilt not join with us,
The safety of ourselves and of the State
Holds thee a prisoner pent in close duress
Till victory is ours, and thou mayst take
The fruit of others' daring, while thy wife
Deserts her doubting and dishonoured lord
For one who dares to act and play his part
As a man should.

(after hesitation).
I do not hold with you,
That a man's oath can bind him to his God


To do what else were wrong. Yet, since you swear
Your purpose is not bloodshed, and my will
Is impotent to stay your choice, and chiefly
Because I am cast down and sick at heart,
And without any trust in God or man,
I do consent to your conspiracy,
Loving it not.

There spoke my lord the Prince.
We will succeed or die.

I would sooner die.