![]() | Sir Anthony Love : or, The Rambling Lady | ![]() |
A SONG in the Second Act.
Pursuing Beauty, Men descryThe distant Shore, and long to prove
(Still richer in Variety)
The Treasures of the Land of Love.
We Women, like weak Indians, standInviting, from our Golden Coast,
The wandring Rovers to our Land:
But she, who Trades with 'em, is lost.
With humble Vows they first begin.Stealing, unseen, into the Heart;
But by Possession setled in,
They quickly act another part.
For Beads, and Baubles, we resign,In Ignorance, our shining Store,
Discover Nature's richest Mine,
And yet the Tyrants will have more.
Be wise, be wise, and do not try,How he can Court, or you be Won:
For Love is but Discovery,
When that is made, the Pleasure's done.
A SONG in Dialogue, in the Fourth Act.
Woman.No more, Sir, no more, I'll ev'n give it or'e,
I see it is all but a Cheat;
Your soft wishing Eyes, your Vows, and your Lyes,
Which thus you so often repeat.
'Tis you are to blame, who foolishly claim
So silly a lean Sacrifice:
But Lovers, who pray, must always obey,
And bring down their Knees, and their Eyes.
Of late you have made, Devotion a Trade
In Loving, as well as Religion:
But you cannot prove, thro' th'Ages of Love,
Any Worship was offer'd but One.
That One let it be, in which we agree,
Leave Forms to the Maids, who are younger:
We're both of a mind, make haste, and be kind,
And continue a Goddess no longer.
SONG in the Fifth Act:
By Major-General Sackvile.I.
In vain Clemene you bestowThe promis'd Empire of your Heart:
If you refuse to let me know
The wealthy Charms of every part.
My Passion with your Kindness grew,Tho' Beauty gave the first desire:
But Beauty only to pursue,
Is following a wandring Fire.
As Hills in Perspective suppressThe free Enquiry of the Sight:
Restraint makes every Pleasure less,
And takes from Love the full delight.
Faint Kisses may in part supplyThose eager Longings of my Soul;
But oh! I'm lost, if you deny
A quick possession of the whole.
![]() | Sir Anthony Love : or, The Rambling Lady | ![]() |