University of Virginia Library




Farewell—and be happy—but never forget
In the smiles of the present, the times that are past;
Oh, think with delight, on the hour when we met—
On the joys of that first—on the pangs of this last!


Remember the vows which in youth we have sigh'd,
In the moments of passions, so ardent, and sweet;
And by the last kiss, on thy fair lip that died—
Preserve them as chaste, 'till again we may meet!


And though thy light heart may awhile steal away
From the chain of thy feeling, in moments of glee;
Yet memory still shall usurp her fond sway,
And bring back the truant, in bondage, to me!



'Midst the tears of the few, or the smiles of the many,
That fall, or may sparkle—to balance thy brow,
Oh, remember those pangs, the sincerest of any—
That have softened me ever—that sadden me now!


They will tell thee, thou liv'st in my memory still,
In a rapture of hope, but a stranger before;
And will shew thee a bosom, whose agonized thrill,
Once contented to love thee—now learns to adore!


Farewell—in that bosom's most tender devotion—
Thou shalt live, my sweet girl, tho' we're fated to sever;
This Life's every impulse—most faithful emotion,
Thou soul of that Life, shall be thine—and for ever!