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  • 1. Give a general description of the Virginia Indians.

  • 2. Describe their weapons, wigwams, and customs

  • 3. What was their method of warfare, and how did they treat their

  • 4. What is said of their education?

  • 5. Describe their religion

  • 6. What is said of Powhatan?

  • 7. Why did the English wish to settle Virginia?

  • 8. Mention some early explorers and what they did.

  • 9. Give an account of the early attempts at colonization.

  • 10. Relate the story of the Lost Colony.

  • 11. Why were the London and Plymouth Companies formed, and what
    territory was granted each?

  • 12. What were the chief provisions of the first American charter, and
    by whom were they signed?

  • 13. Mention some of the beginners of the nation, and describe their
    departure and voyage

  • 14. When and where did they make a permanent settlement?

  • 15. Give the early history of Captain John Smith.

  • 16. Give an account of his capture by the Indians, and his rescue.

  • 17. Describe his last years, and give an estimate of his character.