University of Virginia Library


President Darden pointed out to the Board that at the July, 1952 meeting, the Board
approved the imposition of a $5.00 student affiliation fee which was designed to cover all expenses
of graduation. Included in the amount collected was to be the first year's dues in the Alumni
Association. The proposal for this fee had been submitted by the officers of the Class of 1952,
and approved by the Managers of the Alumni Association.

The Board of Managers of the Alumni Association has found that this resolution is contrary
to its by-laws and has requested the University to discontinue collecting that part of the
student affiliation fee to be used for first year membership in the Alumni Association. A resolution
was adopted reducing the student affiliation fee from $5.00 to $4.00, with the stipulation
that the payment to the Alumni Association of a student's dues for the first year be discontinued
from the fee collected.