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b. Courses open to students at the beginning of the Second Term.


Course 1B.—In two sections: I. Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
11-12. II. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 10-11. West Range
Chemical Laboratory. Professor Bird, Adjunct Professor
Edgar, Mr. Watson.

Course 2B.—Course 1B (or its equivalent) prerequisite. Second
Half of the Year, Physical Chemistry. Monday, Wednesday,
Friday, 9-10 and 2-4. Adjunct Professor Edgar.

Economic Geology.

Course 1B.—Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 12-1. Brooks Museum.
Professor Watson.


Course 2B.—Sociological Phases of Education. Tuesday and
Thursday, 12:15-1:45. Professor Heck.


Course 1A.—One to two years preliminary training in German prerequisite.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 1-2. Cabell Hall.
Professor Faulkner.

Course 2B.—Three years or more preliminary training in German
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10-11. Cabell Hall.
Professor Faulkner.

Course 3C.—Course 2B prerequisite. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,
10-11. Cabell Hall. Professor Faulkner.