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University of Virginia

Session of 1910-1911

Courses in the Academic Schools open to students registering at
the beginning of the Second or the beginning of the
Third Term, 1910-1911

Second Term begins Tuesday, January 3, 1911.

Third Term begins Monday, March 27, 1911.


For each Term-Course completed, credit will be given as for
one-third of an elective-at-large toward the degrees of Bachelor of
Arts or Bachelor of Science. Term courses cannot be counted as any
part of a group-elective.

The following courses are offered:

Biblical History and Literature.

2nd Term.—The Literature of Hebrew. Prophecy. English Literature
1A (or its equivalent) prerequisite. Hours by appointment.
Madison Hall. Professor Forrest.

3rd Term.—The Wisdom Literature of the Hebrews. English
1A (or its equivalent) prerequisite. Hours by appointment.
Madison Hall. Professor Forrest.


2nd Term.—Elements of Plant Anatomy and Physiology: Histological
Technique. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 1-2. Laboratory,
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 11-1. Cabell Hall. Professor

Economic Geology.

2nd Term.—Determinative Mineralogy. Knowledge of the principles
of elementary chemistry prerequisite.
Hours by appointment.
Six hours laboratory per week. Brooks Museum. Professor
Watson, Mr. Taber.


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2nd Term.—New Testament Greek, with reading of one of the
Gospels. Hours by appointment. Professor Humphreys.

3rd Term.—New Testament Greek, with reading of one of the
Gospels. Hours by appointment. Professor Humphreys.


Below is given a list of the regular courses in the Academic
Schools, which students properly prepared may enter, either at the
beginning of the Second or the beginning of the Third Term, as indicated.
Students thus entering will not be given credit for any part
of a course, but may obtain full credit for the entire course, by completing
the work of the remaining term or terms of the course in
question, in some subsequent session. For a full description of each
of these courses, see University Catalogue for 1909-1910, under the
head of the Academic Schools.

a. Courses open to students at the beginning of the Second or the beginning
of the Third Term.


Botany 1B.—Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 9-10. Laboratory,
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12-2. Cabell Hall. Professor

Zoölogy 1B.—Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 12-1. Laboratory,
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 9-11. Cabell Hall. Adjunct Professor

English Literature.

Course 1A.—Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10-11 or 11-12; Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday, 11-12. Cabell Hall. Mr. Myers.

Course 2B.—English Literature 1A (or its equivalent) prerequisite.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 9-10. Cabell Hall. Professor

Course 3B.—English Literature 1A (or its equivalent) prerequisite.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 11-12. Cabell Hall. Professor

Course 4C.—Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 1-2. Professor Kent.


Course 1A.—Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9-10. Cabell Hall.
Mr. McLemore.


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Course 2A.—Greek 1A (or its equivalent) prerequisite. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday, 10-11. Cabell Hall. Professor Humphreys.

Course 3B.—Greek 2A (or its equivalent) prerequisite. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday, 11-12. Cabell Hall. Professor Humphreys.

Course 4C.—Greek 3B (or its equivalent) prerequisite. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday, 12-1. Cabell Hall. Professor Humphreys.


Course 1B.—Greek and Roman History, as one of the units offered
for admission to the University, prerequisite.
Monday, Wednesday,
Friday, 10-11. Cabell Hall. Professor Dabney.

Course 2C.—Course 1B prerequisite. Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Cabell Hall. Professor Dabney.


Course 1A.—Four units of Latin for entrance prerequisite. In two
sections: I. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 1-2. II. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday, 1-2. Cabell Hall. Professor Fitz-Hugh,
Mr. Bishop, Mr. Cowardin.

Course 2B.—Course 1A (or its equivalent) prerequisite. Monday,
Wednesday, Friday, 11-12. Cabell Hall. Professor Fitz-Hugh,
Mr. McLemore, Mr. Cowardin.

Course 3B.—Course 1A (or its equivalent) prerequisite. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday, 11-12. Cabell Hall. Professor Fitz-Hugh,
Mr. McLemore, Mr. Bishop.

Course 4C.—Course 2B or 3B prerequisite. Monday, Wednesday,
Friday, 12-1. Cabell Hall. Professor Fitz-Hugh, Mr. McLemore.

Course 5C.—Course 2B or 3B prerequisite. Tuesday, Thursday,
Saturday, 12-1. Cabell Hall. Professor Fitz-Hugh, Mr. McLemore.


Course 1A: Sections I and II.—Three Units of Mathematics for
Entrance prerequisite.
Second Term, Plane Trigonometry. Third
Term, College Algebra. Cabell Hall. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,
9-10 and 10-11. Professor Page.

Course 2A.—Four units of Mathematics for entrance prerequisite.
Second Term, College Algebra. Third Term, Elementary Analytical
Geometry. Cabell Hall. Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
9-10. Professor Page.


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b. Courses open to students at the beginning of the Second Term.


Course 1B.—In two sections: I. Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
11-12. II. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 10-11. West Range
Chemical Laboratory. Professor Bird, Adjunct Professor
Edgar, Mr. Watson.

Course 2B.—Course 1B (or its equivalent) prerequisite. Second
Half of the Year, Physical Chemistry. Monday, Wednesday,
Friday, 9-10 and 2-4. Adjunct Professor Edgar.

Economic Geology.

Course 1B.—Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 12-1. Brooks Museum.
Professor Watson.


Course 2B.—Sociological Phases of Education. Tuesday and
Thursday, 12:15-1:45. Professor Heck.


Course 1A.—One to two years preliminary training in German prerequisite.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 1-2. Cabell Hall.
Professor Faulkner.

Course 2B.—Three years or more preliminary training in German
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10-11. Cabell Hall.
Professor Faulkner.

Course 3C.—Course 2B prerequisite. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,
10-11. Cabell Hall. Professor Faulkner.